Not enough

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Y/N was nervous. For the first time in a long time, he was nervous. Not nervous against the trio he was up against. He, Liv and Finn were coming in with the momentum. Two wins on the bounce against Judgement Day had eradicated Judgement's day hopes of praying on their fears.

Tonight they were fearless but Y/N was still nervous. Nervous that if he lost he didn't win here tonight he would be stuck fighting the Judgement Day for months on end.

He didn't want to be stuck feuding with the Judgement Day for his entire time on Raw which is all he seemed to be doing these days. He needed more than that. He had goals that he wanted to achieve.

He wanted to win the US title, he wanted to win the Royal Rumble, he wanted to become MITB, he wanted to be the unified tag team champ, and he wanted to be the world champion.

But if he didn't settle it here tonight he could kiss the dreams goodbye. He couldn't have a loss this large lingering over him like a cloud. This was the chance to end the Judgement Day before it cost even more.

So when he entered the Allstate Arena he was 100 percent focused on winning. He wasn't the jovial self he normally was. The pit in his stomach was only getting larger and larger the closer it came to the time to start the match. 

As the night progressed the match got closer. Y/N warmed up in complete silence stretching his body till he felt comfortable to go out there and put an end to the Judgement Day as the WWE universe knew it.

The Judgement Day intro went first as Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley stood behind Edge and made their entrance. It was shortly followed by Liv's entrance, then Finn's, and lastly Y/N's. When Y/N finally came out the crowd cheered for the former IC champion. Y/N felt his nerves dispersing at that moment the more he heard the crowd egging him making him feel like his previous self again. 

All three of them stopped at the bottom of the ramp as they locked eyes with the members of the Judgement Day with Y/N keeping his eyes glaring at Edge trying to burn through a hole through the skull of the man who cost him an IC title. He was oblivious to Rhea's eyes which seemed to flicker to him repeatedly.

They all started to brawl as Y/N went after Edge before the bell would even ring. Y/N would brawl with Edge as Y/N came out on top sending him out of the ring. It would only be Rhea left in her team so they decided to a combined move they worked on. Finn sent Liv into Y/N's path and popped up over his shoulders allowing her to hit a hurricana to Rhea.

It was all Liv until she got hit by a stiff headbutt Y/N wasn't sure how Liv was still with them. Y/N went to check on Liv but Rhea shouted "Watch me" at him. 

Y/N wasn't one for taunting in the ring but she was which she showed yet again when she blew a kiss to him when she performed another snap suplex. She kept looking back at the pair as if trying to deliver some sort of message but it only infuriated Y/N wanting to get in the ring even more.

Rhea goes for a suplex again but this time she holds her up in the sky for what feels like forever to Liv's tag partners.

Once she finally dropped Liv she went for the pinfall only scoring a two count.

Rhea would continue to brutalize Liv sending her into the ring post. Liv would fight back with a dropkick. She would climb to the middle rope hitting a dropkick which sent Rhea back scurrying to her own corner. 

Liv chased after her but Rhea was already in her corner. Rhea started to smile seeing an easy way out but Liv pointed at Y/N. She taunted asking Judgment "You want a piece of Y/N? Yeah."

She makes the tag to Y/N who points at Edge 

Edge asks "You want a piece of me?"

Y/N retorts "Get your arse in the ring so I can retire you and this time you won't be coming back."

My Judgement Day (Rhea Ripley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now