9~ Senior Pictures

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9~ Senior Pictures

Later that night, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my mom and Jeremy. He was making dinner while I tried to do my homework. With everything going on, my mind couldn't seem to focus. Normally, I'd be at Saida's house or she'd be here with me but that wasn't the case today. After school, she ended up going to Issac's house instead since he didn't have any practice that day. That was all fine but she barely said 2 words to me before we all parted ways. Is this punishment for talking to Maisie?

Grunting, I threw my pencil down with my face slamming on the notebook. It hurt and I mean a lot but my head wouldn't stop spinning. Who knew a person could have such an effect on your psyche? I'm so wrapped up in making sure that she's okay but what about me? When will there ever be time to focus on me and what I need to do to live the way I want to? Am I not allowed to make other friends besides Saida? That's what she was treating it like.

Noticing my behavior, my mom sat next to me resting her hand on my back. She was trying to be comforting but there wasn't much she could say to get me out of this runt. Being in the transitioning stage of becoming a young adult was bad enough. With feelings and relationships in the mix, it just made it all worse. And people say becoming an adult is fun.

My mom rubbed my back, trying to figure out what was going on with me. "Summer, do you need help with your schoolwork?" She wondered.

My head lifts a little so I'm looking at her. "No...I just...Saida and I are going through something," I keep it vague.

"Oh no, is that why she's not here today?" Her questions weren't helping.

Still, I nodded. As much flack as I give her for being emotional, my mom was like my best friend. We've always been a close-knit family along with my sister who visits as much as she can now that she's busy. We only got closer once my dad passed away. There were people to help us out here and there. However, all we truly had was each other. Thus, building this strong bond that was never going to go anywhere. I'm not one of those kids who feels embarrassed to be close to her parents either. In the end, whenever life got tough I knew who I'd be able to count on.

This particular situation was tough to navigate. I suppose I could come out and tell her my feelings for Saida were more than a friendship. Then she'll start asking questions that I'm still not ready to answer. As great as it would be to get this off my chest; I think I'm going to hold off on giving her every detail. Anything not having to do with my feelings for Saida was a go in my book. I'm sure my mom would understand once I do tell her.

So, I tell her the basics about meeting Maisie, who Maisie is, and why Saida blew me off. I tried not to seem like it bothered me too much, but it was hard to conceal what I was feeling. The girl didn't communicate with me at all leaving me to come up with unlikely scenarios in my head. None of the ridiculous thoughts were true except for her being furious with me for whatever reason. All of it was stupid!

"Aw, honey I'm sure she's just as worried about this as you are," she said with a smile. "You guys are best friends. There's no way something like this is going to ruin that."

My eyes roll. "You don't know Saida. That girl holds a grudge like no other." I say feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Jeremy nodded. "Unfortunately, that's in her blood," I forgot he was standing there. He was so quiet.

My mom gave him eyes like he wasn't helping my case. "You'll see, she'll come knocking on your door in no time." Her reassurance was nice but it wasn't doing me any sort of justice. "Besides, you have senior pictures tomorrow. There's no way Saida will skip out on tradition."

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