the begin

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Dean found out he had a son. Cause the girl left the 1 month old at his doorstep.  At this point, Dean is 15. Dean didn't trust his father, so he went to Bobby and gave Dean a list of retired hunters. Bobby pointed a one in particular who he knew wouldn't force the child to be a hunter. Noah stilinski a retired hunter.
Bobby to Dean  bobby "he just wants a kid. he would train the kid to defend them self but never force  hunting on them. "
Dean took little Thomas to Noah that evening.

Dean borrowed a junker car from Bobby, and he used Sammy's old car seat when he was a baby for little Thomas.  Now that little Thomas is secure, Dean gets in the driver seat and is about to drive off, but Bobby walks up.

Bobby, " You have that all wrong if you drive off that kids gonna die."

Dean " Can you do "

Bobby " sure."
Bobby opens the back door and does the bucks correctly. We'll little Thomas giggle

Bobby booped Thomas's noise, which confused him, but he stared laughing again.

Bobby gets out of the back seat area , closes the door, and walks to the driver's door.

Bobby " ok, it all good to drive. You got a silly baby, Dean. He's a lot like you. Why don't you play music? He giggles to it. Dean, I know you don't want to, but keep in contact with him he's gonna need. You can keep him from john and I strongly suggest you do but keep in contact cause one day he'll be found. He can't take on all your enemies alone, dean."

Dean " I'll think about it "
Dean drives off to Beacon Hills,  California.

Dean took Bobby advice and played his music and see how much Thomas giggled

So he turned his music on

Back in black, I hit the sack
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose from the noose
That's kept me hanging about

Thomas giggle

The song continues, and Dean starts to sing to it, which makes Thomas laugh harder.

The next song

It's all the same
Only the names will change
It seems we're wasting away
Another place
Where the faces are so cold
I drive all night just to get back home

I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted
Dead or alive
Dead or alive

Thomas giggle

But he giggles harder when Dean starts singing

This continues with every song

When final Dean reaches California.

He would be at the stilinski in 20 ish minutes.

But every minute goes by, and he looks up at the rear view mirror at Thomas. He can't just walk away. Damn Bobby.

Dean arrived at the stilinski.

And got Thomas out of the car seat.

And knocked at the door.

A woman answered the door

Her eye went from Dean to Thomas

Women " may I help you "

Dean " I'm looking for Noah stilinski "

Women " Well, I'm Claudia stilinski Noah's my husband. He is home from work in about 5 minutes. Would you like to come in"

Dean " please . "Thomas starts to cry

Dean is doing everything he can to confront Thomas. He tries singing to him.

Claudia " may i"

Dean " please "

Claudia takes Thomas from Dean and bounces him

Thomas starts to laugh

Dean " thanks "

Claudia " What your name and how old are you?"

Dean " My name is Dean, and I'm 15"

Claudia " is he yours "

Dean " Yeah, he's mine, that why I'm here."

Claudia " why are you here "

Dean " Thomas (gestures to the 1 month old ) he not safe in this life "

Claudia " your a hunter "

Dean " Yeah, my last name is winchester."

Claudia " Oh my your father "

Dean " is a monster. Yes , Bobby gave me a list of retired hunters . And he points Noah out saying he's the only one he knows that won't push this life on a kid. He may train he to protect himself but never make him become a hunter"

Claudia " Noah would never force anything on a child after what his father did to him. He would train he when the child is old enough and can make a choice. If he doesn't, the moat Noah would do is teach them to fight and love them."

Dean " that all I want is for Thomas to be safe and loved"

The door opens

Noah " hello" sees his wife holding a baby and a random person in his house.

Claudia " This is Dean winchester, and this ( hold up the baby gently) is his son"

Noah " how old are you, dean? "

Dean " 15 sir"

Noah " kid ,please don't call me, sir. I'm off. Don't call me, sir. Call me Mr Stilinski or Noah "

Dean " ok , I'm sorry sir sorry. Noah "

Noah, man, your Dad and my dad must of shared the same parenting book, "

Claudia " noah"

Dean laughed
Dean " Well, I'm here to see if you like to adopt Thomas. I would love to still keep in touch if you do"

Claudia face lights up

Noah " why us "

Dean " Bobby suggested you. Said you wouldn't force a child into this life "

Noah " is there a catch"

Claudia " Noah " is looking down at Thomas

Dean " the only catch you love him as your own and Change his name to protect him. And to make sure no one knows who he really is."

Noah looks to Claudia
Claudia, who's pleading with Noah with her eyes.

Noah " Claudia, we have a son."

Claudia, " we call him Mieczyslaw Stilinski. "

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