who the heck are you

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Stiles " What are you talking about?"

Mystery man, " You're a mate to a wolf. And I know who."

Stiles " yeah, right."

Mystery man " Derek Hale "

Scott " Derek "

Stiles smiles. " Derek, wow."

Scott " You're happy about that."

Stiles " I'm cool with it"

Scott " really "

Stiles " yep"

Mystery man, " shut up."

Stiles " why"

Mystery man aims gun at him

Scott " ok, well, shut up . "

Mystery man, " just waiting for your father."


Mystery man, " What the hell?"

Dean " Well, don't look far"


Mystery man on the ground dead

Scott, " You just killed him."

Stiles " it either him or you man"

Dean unties them . "Good to see you, kiddo."

Stiles " you too, dad "

They hug

Dean, " Now both of you get the hell out of here,"

They did as they were told.

They ran as fast as they could

They arrived at Stiles' house.

And flop on the couch

Noah " we're the hell have you to been. "He goes to hug them both. Derek right behind, making sure both are unharmed.

Scott " Hey Mr. Stilinski I remember the man's face why don't we go down to the station and have someone draw it"

Noah " ok"

They leave

Derek " you ok Stiles "

Stiles " yeah . Um the man told me something. He was stocking me for a while, and he told me I'm a mate."

Derek stiffens

Stiles " your mate "

Derek, " you are."

Stiles, " I accept." Stiles kissed Derek

To scott

Noah " you don't just want to make a statement Scott "

Scott " no the man's dead Stiles birth father showed up. But Stiles and derek needed to talk. "

Noah " why"

Scott" that something Stiles has to tell you"

Noah confused me. wonder what Stiles needed to tell him that couldn't come from Scott.
( Sorry, it short)

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