Chapter 5 (GenGen)

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Welp, here goes nothing.

Don't ya think that Gentar should have the most trauma of losing Ochobot among the elementals? I mean, they all did but don't ya think that it just hit harder for Gentar? Especially after the incident on the robot factory back then.

The guilt that he (probably) felt by making them to lose Ochobot 'again'. Though, he did make up his mistakes after that (by saving Ochobot) so they don't really think of it as much of a big deal.

But still, since all of the elementals got the trauma of losing Ochobot from BBB eversince the Borara incident so I'm saying that even the fusions will have the trauma too because they are still part of BBB and have his memories. But in this case, by having the past trauma and the dejavu of it, making Gentar to be blaming himself(cuz ya know). And if we look at it logically, the elementals and the fusions has the right to bring that up and hate him for that(but they didn't).

At first, he really thought that the elementals and the fusions would treat him a bit different because of that but they didn't. It cause Gentar to be a bit confuse but he's glad about it. The elementals and the fusions didn't know nor realize about this because of Gentar's well umm..personality. But yeah, there's still two or three of them that have assumptions but they didn't really think of it.

Despite Gentar's personality, deep down he's always been sensitive and uncomfortable everytime someone or anyone talk about the robot factory incident. He of course don't want anyone to know about it and plus he's a bit stubborn and won't even admit it.

Gentar do realize that he has a weakness because his power could only works at certain places so he 'secretly' try to figure a solutions to it. Which, I had an idea to it. As we all know that Gentar's power is absorbing any electric powers and make a weapons with it so it won't be really useful if they're in a place that doesn't have any electricity. So he had an idea of making a power capsules/batteries of his own that contains huge amount of electricity in it so that he could use his power anywhere. By using his ability to absorb any electrics power and then make a special batteries that he can summon everytime he need it. Though, it'll be quite dangerous if it fall on other people's hand (except Supra but it still does feel a bit hurt for him because it's too overwhelmed) because the electrics power in it is too much and overwhelmed that if any normal human touch it with bare hands, it might kill them. But for Gentar, it'll be a piece of cake because he's indeed the battery (though the process of using the batteries for the first time will be a little bit hard because he need to control the electricity in it cuz it's too much and he's not use to taking it all at once at that time, if he's not careful it might hurt anyone near him or cause other problems). Since it's coming from Gentar's power (after he absurb them and put it in it) so that's why he can summon the batteries. So Gentar is indeed can be the battery and make the battery. He'll get help by someone to make this though and the others don't know about his plans n ideas of this project.

Gentar sometimes spend a lot of his time on the workshop(cuz his power is robotic like that so he start to learn how to fix mechanical stuff or something like that cuz it perks up his interest. He's a quick learner in this so you can say he knows more about this kind of stuff than the other elementals or fusions. If Solar/Supra=lab/library then Gentar=workshop) and training room or just do his weird stuff if he's boring. Yeah, either these three but since it's Gentar so most of it spend on the third one.

Okay! Back to the angst! Because of that, Gentar happen to be more overprotective over Ochobot I mean, all of them did but as I said, Gentar is just more. Oh, I haven't talk about Gentar meeting with BBB ori, right? Yeah, this one is included in my au and I love this part. Cuz it bring the dejavu of Solar and Ori first meeting. The feeling of guilt and scared is haunting him because that's one of Bbb's biggest fear, losing Ochobot. Only Gentar and Sopan that has yet to meet with Ori at that time because they just newly appeared. (The difference time distance between Gentar and Sopan's appearance isn't that big in my assumption, because the time release of both appearance is put on one arc only that is GenBara so it'll probably won't be that far) So he tends to feel nervous and doesn't really talk much with Ori at first but of course, someone will notice.

Ya know what? I think this one angst idea is quite good though cuz it's more to canon(logically) and it's not really much of a fan made either (cuz people have never really think of this, Gentar has no angst) But in my rules, each of my fav characters need to have their own angst, or else I'll make one for them.

I've seen that one Gentar angst that made by Fuyuchino but it's originally Gempa's angst that just flow through Gentar as a memory. It's giving Gentar the feeling of dejavu and the same scared feeling of what happened on that day. So it's not really Gentar's own angst cuz it could also happen to Glacier, that's what I thought so.

That's all, I truly do hope someone make the fusions angst, like, one for each one of them at least and I also did think one for Rimba. Although, he has none but yeah, I love him so sacrifice is needed.

K, bye.










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