II: The ship part II.

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Making their way down the halls well blasting the horde of the grotesque. Mark spoke with Adams who was next to him.

Mark: I don't think Rathtars did this!

Adams: No shit!

Storm trooper 01: There's so fucking many!

Mark glanced behind them as he blasted away at the attackers. He noticed there was nothing there.

Mark: Move back!

The troopers moved back words well blasting the horde of infected. Once at the entrance to the ships landing bay, Mark closed the door. The troopers catching their breaths.

Mark: We need to find a way into the communications room.

Adams: Ill have my men look around. Need a safer passage than whatever the fuck that was.

Mark stayed guard on the shuttle as three of the storm troopers were looking at the ships cymatics.

Storm trooper 03: Sir! We found a way into the communications room.

Adams: Let's hear it then.

Storm trooper 03: The vents from here lead all the way into the control room.

Mark: Looks like this ship still had those very bad ventilation systems.

Adams: I remember these types of vents. They had to replace them because rebels would infiltrate and then use the vents to carputer the ship.

Mark and Adams decided to go alone. Have the other troopers stay guard on the shuttle.

Mark and Adams entered the vents. The hissing of gas prevented the vents from being quiet. Once at the communications room. Mark noticed a few people sitting inside and so he kicked the vent open. He and Adams had their blasters ready.

???: Its just troopers?

Adams and Mark glanced at each other than lowered their weapons. Infront of them was a storm trooper with her helmet missing. Blood soaked the side of her face, her green eyes avoided hope, well her red hair was hanging loosely. An officer with a grey beard and short black hair, his uniform and badge indicated that he was an Admiral. Two others behind him, a woman and a man both in standard 0E uniforms. Their faces laced with unease.

Tark: I am Admiral Tark.

Adams: Adams C04.

Mark: Mark C05.

The woman in storm trooper armor spoke.

Stacy: Stacy CO0.

Mark and Adams glanced at each other.

Adams: What's with the walking corpses?

Task: There was a chemical leak. However, it's all under control.

Mark, sensing the nervousness behind the admirals voice stepped towards one of the computers and started connecting it to command. A feminine voice played over the radio.

???: I see the ships radio is up.

Mark: Yes mam.

???: Mark? I see they sent you. Any way. What's the sit rep?

Mark: Sending footage from my HUD now.

???: Footage received. Stand by for orders.

???: Footage was analyzed. Orders are to rederive the ship's data and then blow her up.

Mark: Understood.

The comes went off as Adams and Mark glanced at each other than at the survivors.

Adams: There's a shuttle we can take you to.

Adams and Mark escorted the survivors from the coms room to the landing bay via the vents.

Once there they had two storm troopers that carried boxes with them enter the vents and head to the coms section. Once inside the coms section the troopers connected to the terminals and started collecting the ship's data. Mark and Adams along with two troopers entered the hallway they were in previously to enter the ships' engine bay and plant the bombs. There blasters blasting away at the infected. Hours passed, for Mark and the rest it felt like years had passed with the constant fighting. Once at the engine bay they planted Proton charges. Once the charges were set. They headed back. How ever the two troopers that were with Mark and Adams were dragged off, their screams stopped as their organs were ripped from their bodies and then dragged into the mouths of the infected. Mark and Adams closed the door behind them and noticed the troopers packing the data boxes away.

Adams: Let's get going!

Pilot: Yes sir!

With everything secured and everyone onboard who survived. The shuttles ramp closed and then the shuttle took off and flew out of the landing bay. Once outside Mark pressed the detonator and the ship exploded. However. The remnants of the ship fell into a planet called Felucia.

[End of chapter]

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