Chapter 6: The Twin Club

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Alexia Riddle

Neither of us spoke after the reading. In fact none of the Slytherins did, we all just let Trelawney go on about whatever she was teaching about. Even Mattheo wasn't cracking one of his terrible jokes. Our friends glances at us from time to time with concerned expressions. They thought I didn't notice. I scoffed internally, I notice everything. I wasn't surprised much that our cups showed death. No. What put me off my balance was it being put out in the open like that for everyone to see. I was fine with no one except Tom and Matt knowing about our potential deaths. Because it was something we would be together in. And they wouldn't pity me. Merlin, I hate being pitied. I can't imagine my life without my brothers. I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to one of us.

This time I let my thoughts wander wild. I didn't try to stop them, instead I just closed my eyes and let my brain torture me. I started seeing visions of my most hated memories.

Rodolphus advancing towards me in his drunken state.......

The memory of her being murdered.....

Sabrina jumping off........


I opened my eyes and saw Matt gripping my wrist. Oh, yeah I forgot he was also a legilimens. I should have blocked him out first.

You know I can't.

I told him. In my mind of course.
His expression spoke what a thousand words wouldn't be able to.


I sighed defeated. He let go of my wrist. We were dismissed from the class and were walking back to the commons in silence when Enzo asked me, "Are you alright, Lexi?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" I said more cheerfully than I would have preferred.

"Just making sure." He nodded at me. We fell back in silence until Theo broke the silence, "You guys do realize that what that looney woman said is pure and complete crass? I mean most of the predictions aren't correct anyway and she is likely a phony. I mean divination is just an unnecessary subject and we all should drop it anyways." He spoke in an attempt to cheer me up which failed incredibly.

"I second that." Pansy chimed in.

"I third that." Draco put his input too.

"I fourth that." Blaise wasn't far behind.

"Thanks guys, we appreciate this," Mattheo hummed in agreement, "But we are used to this so its okay I gues-"

"What are you used to?" Tom spawned out of nowhere and walked beside Mattheo who was beside me. He put his arm around Matt's shoulder.

"We were in divination and Trelawney saw sufferings, trials and death in our tea cups." I filled Tom in reluctantly. I wasn't sure how Tom would react but its better if he learned from us rather than someone else. News travels fast in Hogwarts.

Tom stopped in his tracks and stared deep into our souls. I blocked him out quickly. I can't have him in my mind right now. "You chaps go ahead. I need to have a word with my siblings ." He gestured at our friends before dragging me and Matt through the castle and the castle grounds until we reached the big tree by the Black lake.

"I am not gonna lie to you both," He started, I knew where this was going, "All of us know that the things she said weren't complete crap considering....."He gestured vaguely with his hands.

"Yeah we know." Mattheo and I spoke in unison.

"But you have to know that I did my research on all the professors and Trelawney is absolute bonkers. The only reason she is here because her grandmother was a true seer and she claims to be one too and Dumbledore is an old fool. And I also talked to Snape last night and he told me that most of her predictions over the years have not been fulfilled." Tom finished in one breadth.

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