Chapter-3 Pursuin Suspicions

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Athela went back to her investigation two days later. She suddenly remembered the jacket Raf had lent her as she was leaving her house. She whispered to herself, "Oops, I forgot to return it," not knowing where gab could be. "Maybe gab could help me find out the truth. I think he could help me with this," she thought to herself as she continued to walk.

Her phone rang just then, but it was gab's phone in the jacket, not hers. gab was the person on the other end when she promptly replied. Athela was relieved, feeling as though her prayers had been answered, "Hey athela, my other phone is in my jacket. Can you give it to me now?" She returned gab's jacket to the mall where he normally hung out after the call. She pulled herself together and asked, "Gab, can you help me find out who killed my best friend?" gab seemed astonished and didn't know what to say. She felt a little embarrassed. "Oh Athela, about that, sorry, but I can't help you with that," he responded. Thea made an effort to conceal her dismay. She said, "It's okay, don't apologize." as looking at thea, gab asked to leave since he about to do something.

Athela went to a coffee shop the next day to get her thoughts straight. After a few minutes, surprisingly, Gab also appeared. He witnessed Thea sobbing quietly as he walked over to her table. Gab sympathized as he heard Thea's quiet cries, thinking, "Graduation is coming soon, why did you leave me?" Gab walked up to her and asked, "Are you okay?" Thea answered, "Yes," but it was obvious she wasn't truly okay. Gab made the decision to help thea in finding her friend's killer at that same moment. He said, "I'll help you." Thea got to her feet and said, "Really?" looking surprised.

Athela's pov
Hearing offer to help filled me with joy. As we sat together, sipping our coffee, he ask right away about any evidence I might have found. however, I had come up empty-handed. "You know, Thea," Gab leaned forward to ask. "Do you have any idea who could have done this to your friend?" I paused to collect myself before answering, "Yeah, I've been wondering about it. I have the sense that it might be Chin or Alex."

chin? Alex? With furrowed eyebrows, gab repeated, "Why them?" I related the stories of Chin's jealousy and Alex's enduring crush. Chin often looked jealous of my friend, particularly when it came to trying to outshine her at the birthday celebration. And Alex... He did, however, have a crush on her, but she never reciprocated."

Gab's expression changed as he listened carefully. With a note of resolve in his voice, he asked "Do you mind if I see their faces?" I nodded and took out my phone to show him their Facebook profiles. "Sure, take a look."

"It sounds like they could be involved in your friend's death based on what you said, so we really need to keep an eye on these two," he stated to me as we talked over our plan. But before we take any action, we have to return to the school where she passed away and search for any information that would indicate that they are, in fact, the ones who are responsible.

Upon our arrival at the building where my friend had fallen, we began a thorough search but were largely unsuccessful. We were about to give up when I saw a ticket and hurriedly gave it to Gab. I asked, "Gab, can you check this out?" in the hopes that it would be helpful. After hours of looking, we went to the school president to look over the day's CCTV footage. I was disappointed to hear that the cameras in the building weren't working.

We then headed to the bar where the ticket had been purchased. The soft lighting and the sound of conservation captivated us as soon as we entered. We went up to the owner, explained the circumstances, and requested to view the CCTV footage from the day the ticket was used. After watching the footage, we spotted someone wearing a cap with long hair, but their face was too blurry to make out. We exchanged a glance, a silent question hanging between us. "What if it's Chin?" We decided to keep an eye on her and see where she went.

Athela and Gab ended to watch Chin closely and follow her wherever she went as soon as they discovered what they had found at the bar the previous night. However, Gab had other ideas. He proposed pretending to befriend Chin and even to have a crush on her. They sought to find out if Chin was concealing anything in this way.

Thea immediately agreed when she heard Gab's suggestion. After following Chin to the library one day, Gab unintentionally ran into her in an attempt to gain her attention. Gab apologized, saying, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to." Chin ignored it with a smile, saying, "It's okay." Seizing the chance, Gab asked Chin if he could come along her, and she granted him permission. Gab approached Chin, and Thea watched her intently, analyzing every step. She saw that Chin was not acting like herself; instead, she appeared tense and anxious.

As Gab continued to interact with Chin, he sensed something was off and asked if she was okay. Chin assured him she was fine, but then abruptly excused herself when she received a text on her phone. Gab asked Chin whether she was okay after sensing something wasn't quite right in their interactions. Chin told him she was alright, but when she got a text on her phone, she quickly excused herself.

Athela's pov (theabiot)
Gab muttered quickly, his eyes darting to Chin, "Should we follow her, Thea?" I firmly shook my head. "There's no way we can let go of her," I retorted, my my voice filled with eagerness. Staying true to our plan, we shadowed Chin closely. Unexpectedly, she made a detour to her house before reemerging again. We trailed her to the same bar we had visited earlier, intensifying our suspicions that she might be involved in my friend's death.

As the evening went on, Chin excused herself and made her way to the bathroom, which prompted me to secretly follow her. I watched her intently, feeling something wasn't quite right. I went back to gab's table and kept watching Alex, who appeared to be having a good time dancing. Chin appeared strange, as like she was thinking about something.

Inside the dimly lit bar, our eyes widened in surprise as we spotted Alex among the crowd. I turned to gab, my disbelief evident in my expression. "What's he doing here?" I whispered urgently."We need answers," gab replied calmly, his gaze focused on Alex. "He's one of our top suspects, right? But he doesn't strike me as the type to be hanging out in a place like this. Let's keep a close watch."

We couldn't decide whether to follow Chin when she eventually departed. But then something strange caught our eye on her table: a headgear that looked just like the one shown on camera. It seemed as though the mystery surrounding my friend's passing was beginning to come to light.

Gab and I shared a serious look as he showed me the cap we spotted in the CCTV footage. Tears filled my eyes as I realized it could be evidence against Chin, suggesting she might be responsible for my friend's death. "Gab, I think Chin might really be the culprit," I murmured, emotion trembling in my voice. With a sympathetic expression, Gab took hold of my hand. He murmured, "Thea, the evidence points to her." "We need to be careful with what we do next."

I pushed Gab to call the police immediately since I was feeling agitated and furious. However, he paused, cautioning me against moving too fast. She might figure us out if we jump the gun, so we need to be clever about this, he said, looking concerned.
Reluctantly, I agreed to Gab's plan to wait. Even though I was eager for answers, I trusted Gab's judgment. We needed more evidence and a solid plan to make sure justice was served for my friend.

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