1. Zephyr

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Ever heard of mystery?

People coin different terms when it comes to mystery: movies, plays, series, novels, books, their enemies, etc. But for me, it is my personality.

My emotions are never predictable. I tend to leave the people around me and those opposite to me in a confused state; they would never catch on to what emotion is.

Born in a clandestine realm of crime, all I'm expected to do is kill anyone who opposes me and ensure I stay alive, whatever the circumstance may be.

My name is Zephyr. People in the world see me as a songwriter, lyricist, designer, and a profound lover of the arts. But to the unknown world, I'm darkness, completely drenched with blood and brutality.

I'm known as the Shadow Kingpin among the mafia. My nickname is Grim Reaper. 

Except for a few selected bodyguards and my family members, no one has even seen my true colors as the Grim Reaper. And if anyone was lucky enough to see it, they didn't make it to the end.

"Mr. Nikolv, the fish took the bait," my headphone rang up from Alex, my right hand and one of my trusted bodyguards. I would bet my life on him; he would never betray me.

I was seated in a large room. In front of me was a big board filled with pictures of a few people, each connected to a dot.

Behind me, I heard a voice, "Your turn, my son!"

I smirked looking at the board and then turned around towards the voice. I skimmed through the chessboard before me and made a move. I moved the soldier to one box and said, "Here comes the checkmate, Dad."

He smiled at the board and then looked at me, "Checkmate only for this game or for that phone call as well?"

I smirked, "My way of dealing is extremely different from yours, Dad. So, better not try to understand my move." Saying that, I turned towards the board and removed all the strings from each and every photo.

"No one understands you much better than I do," my father said in a cold tone.

"Remember, my mom alias your better half does. More than you, unfortunately, Dad," upon hearing me, he just chuckled. He loves my mom so much. His love story is quite typical - mafia boss falling in love with his closest bodyguard.

However, I don't know why, whenever I heard their love story, I never felt cringe.

While I was discarding pictures around the center one, my dad started speaking to me again. But this time in a quite serious tone. "I still think you are skipping steps. Your way is risky. Chess is to be played with proper strategy. My strategy is, removing the soldiers first, then eliminating the necessary powers. My first target is always the Queen."

I know that's a safe move. But I don't like it.. 

"Why eliminate a queen when my one soldier can directly hit a checkmate when the opponent's king is completely surrounded by his own folks?" Yes. That's my way. I don't like to complicate things. Why should I go through all the additional steps? All I need is the king's head. Why would I need to spend my energy, time, and resources on killing an army?

I am someone who will always wait until I hit the bullseye. I don't believe in clearing the field. That's boring.

My father got up from his seat and patted my shoulder. "Zephyr, you'll know, son. One day, you'll see the consequence of your strategy. I just hope you won't lose something precious to you when that time comes."

I turned my head towards the board once again and started to speak, "Dad, my life is filled with darkness. There is no hope for light. When there is no light, there is no love. So there is nothing for me to gain nor to lose."

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