*24*go to the family home(or back i guesst)

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rion: I wants to go home take care and so does father

Shina: yes rion be careful

After they arrived home (JJV and TNF)

Caine1: hm? Oh you're back

Caine1: I made your favorite food

Caine: oh thank you caine. Um this tastes very good just like my mother's cooking

Caine1: thank you!

In hima and hira's room

Hira: I'm very tired today and my assignments are piling up on my study table

Hima: you're still better off, look at me. I want to get into my dream major in college so I have to study continuously

Hira: I want to sleep

Hima: then sleep

Later that night

Hima: how about we watch this movie

Hira: good idea

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