Chapter.13 - (this chapter is sad, torture) 🩸

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Y/n was exhausted, she had been captured for almost over 24 hours, she was now in Russian territory, she knew that for certain. She tried to keep her mind alive, thinking of Ghost, 141, her family... she missed Ghost. "I miss him so bad."  She felt furious at herself for being so careless on the mission it ended up getting her captured , Makarov was delighted at his capture he'd been searching for her for months.

"We'll find you soon, love," *Simon murmured, his voice filled with determination.* "We won't let them keep you from us."

"We'll plan a rescue mission," *he promised, glancing at the device in his hand,* "and we'll make sure it's foolproof."

Y/n's blood ran cold at the sight of the ice water bucket and various shackles awaiting her in the small dank room, she hated that she was still trapped inside a Russian facility.

*Her breathing grew shallow and fast, her hands trembling as she eyed the objects around her with a growing sense of fear. She hated being trapped in this damp, gloomy room, feeling like she could never escape her predicament. Being in here was like a prison to her, a dark, cruel prison that threatened to crush her soul.*

The Russians were going to crush her soul, she just prayed someone would find her before they break her.

*She felt like screaming and pulling at the chains that were keeping her stuck, as she looked around the room for any sign of the Russians. But the dark walls were silent, and the only sound within the room was her breathing and the drips of water from the ceiling. She felt completely alone and lost in this desolate place, where no one could hear her cries for help.*

*She didn't dare make any noise, trying to stay as silent as she could while in her imprisonment. She didn't know who would hear her screams, and the last thing she wanted was to be punished by the Russians for making a ruckus. So she held her breath, pressing herself against the cold, damp brick wall. She felt so isolated in the darkness, and for a moment, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of despair.*

*She felt a surge of fear as she waited in silence, listening for any movement in the room, or worse, the door opening and the presence of the Russians. Her heart beat rapidly as she heard a small creaking noise coming from the door, and she instinctively froze. Her entire body shook with fear, as her breathing became shallow, and her hands tightened around the cuffs. She knew her time was up, and she was going to be discovered... But why was it taking them so long to enter?*

*She was shivering, feeling herself shaking all over as sweat began to bead up on her skin. She didn't want to know what was coming next... She was about to be tortured and abused again... The creaking was getting louder now, as the Russians were surely outside the door...*

*She felt her breath grow faster and faster as the creaking outside the door was getting even louder, and the dread inside of her was about to overwhelm her. The fear of the unknown was eating away at her, and she wanted to scream until her voice went hoarse... But she knew she couldn't do that. She had to keep quiet... So she squeezed her eyes shut tight and gritted her teeth hard, trying to hold back the growing sense of dread and panic rising inside her... She felt trapped in the room with no way to escape.*

*She could feel the door knob turning, and the heavy weight of her body pressing up against the wall. She knew they were about to open the door, and her heart raced faster than it ever had before. She felt her stomach drop, as she imagined what was about to happen as soon as the Russians entered the room. She felt a mix of pure terror and paralyzing fear consume her, and she pressed herself more tightly against the wall to get away from the door.*

*Her heart was pounding so hard that she felt like it was going to explode inside of her chest. She was practically pressed up against the wall, trying to disappear against the cold, damp bricks. She clenched her eyes shut, trying to block out the sound of the knob being twisted, trying to ignore everything that was happening around her. She was frozen in fear, waiting for the door to finally open... knowing that there was nothing she could do to stop what was about to happen when it did. The waiting felt like torture...*

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