2 || distraction

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Changbin barely opened his eyes, only to close them again, from the bright light reflecting off his walls. "Bin, wake up." Changbin groaned and tried to open his eyes again. All he saw was an unfocused man. He blinked a few times and when it came into focus, he slowly sat up. "Hyun?" He sleepily asked, rubbing his eyes. Hyunjin was standing next to him, who was laying in bed, smiling brightly at him. "Morning, sleepyhead."

"What...w-what are you doing here?" Changbin asked, glancing around at his surroundings and slowly realizing that, last night, he never made it to his bed. He cried on the floor for hours until he fell asleep in that position, by his bedroom door. "I told you, Bin. I'd be here first thing. You know I always keep my word." Hyunjin smiled and sat by Changbins feet. "I made breakfast." Changbin rubbed his eyes again, feeling the heaviness in them. "But...what about your classes?"

Hyunjin chuckled and glanced to the side. "I'm taking this week off. I told my professors it was for vacation." Changbins eyes widened and his mouth was open, but he couldn't get anything out. Hyunjin just laughed at his face. "Come on, Bin. My best friend just got his life torn apart and you expect me not to take time off from school?" Changbin sighed and walked to the door. But he froze, before he could actually open it, remembering again that he never left the floor last night. "How did I get in bed?" He asked, more to himself than anything.

"I carried you." Hyunjin chuckled out, opening the door for Changbin. But when Changbin didn't walk out, Hyunjin tilted his head. "What?" Changbin chuckled in disbelief. "You? Carry me?" Hyunjin nodded, which made Changbin laugh and walk into the kitchen. Hyunjin scoffed and followed him, grin on his face. "I really did carry you into bed. You don't think I'm capable of doing that?" Changbin sat in a swivel chair at his island, staring at the door next to him, expecting him to come home, begging for forgiveness. Hyunjin walked into the kitchen and set a pot, full of ramen, on the island between them.

Changbin turned and quietly snickered. "This is what you made for breakfast?" Hyunjin was holding a pair of chopsticks, that he was using to mix the cooling down ramen in the pot. He shrugged and slurped up a bite. "You know I can't cook." He grinned out, muffled from the noodles in his mouth. He gave a pair to Changbin, who laughed and nodded, taking the chopsticks.

Hyunjin went to grab another bite but his sleeve rolled up a little, exposing the dark reddish-brown bruise on his wrist. Changbin froze and harshly swallowed his noodles down. Hyunjin saw the look in his eyes and followed them to his wrist. He lightly gasped and immediately pulled his sleeve back down. Changbin chewed on his cheek. I can't believe I was stupid enough to let that happen. I'm never trusting myself ever again. Hyunjin frowned, when he saw Changbin mentally beating himself up. "Don't worry, Bin. It doesn't hurt." Hyunjin softly said, fidgeting with his sleeve. Changbin just sighed and went to grab another bite.

As they sat there, slurping up their noodles in silence, Hyunjin wanted to step up and talk about last night. Not to talk about the fact that Changbin did that, but why exactly he did that. He took a deep breath as he spun around and grabbed a waterbottle from the fridge. He twisted the lid off and was about to drink it, but Changbin leaned forward and took it.

"Thanks, buddy." He grinned and gulped half the bottle down. Hyunjin huffed an amused chuckle, crossing his arms on the island. Changbin pushed the half empty waterbottle toward Hyunjin. "Mind grabbing a smoothie for me?" Changbin asked, slurping up another bite of noodles. Hyunjin sighed and rest his chopsticks in the pot. Changbin looked up and finished his bite, waiting for him to get the smoothie. "Bin..." Changbin hummed in response.

Hyunjin sucked his bottom lip in before he started. "Wanna talk about yesterday?" Changbin looked down, not wanting to give him an answer. "It's just...you always come to me, when you have a fight with him, and we talk your feelings out." Hyunjin stated, trying to look Changbin in the eye but Changbin wouldn't let him. I can't talk about them again, not after what they made me do to you.

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