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Keegans pov:

We were all drunk. No doubt about it.

First game of the 20/21 season and we won, one of our better results.

"Oi! KR come try this cocktail I made." Beth shouts over the music beckoning me over.

"What you made this time Meado?" I ask taking one of the drinks and examining it.

"I call it the Caribbean Sea!" She slurs smiling wide. "Try it!"

I take a sip and surprisingly it's quite nice so I down the rest.

"Think you found a job for once you retire Meado that was fucking great." I laugh giving her a thumbs up as I walk away heading towards the bathroom.

I walk up the stairs avoiding a drunk McCabe stumbling down and a Viv trying to help her.

I go to open the door but as I do Leah walks out and we bump into eachother.

"Shit sorry." I mumble then I see she's been crying. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She sniffles waving her hand.

"Your not. Talk to me." I say wrapping my arm round her shoulders as we walk down the stairs.

"Someone posted this on instagram." She says solemnly opening her phone and showing a post of her kissing a girl that she had bought to Beth's from the club we had been at earlier tonight, captioned 'LEAH WILLIAMSON IS A CONFIRMED SLUT.'

"Fuck that's messed up..." I mumble pulling her into a hug.

She shows the other girls and once she gets to Beth the music is turned off.

"Right someone here posted that shit and it's someone on this team!" Katie says slurring a bit.

There's many 'wasn't me' heard around the room before I'm dragged into the kitchen my someone.

Jordan Nobbs.

"Fuck Jordan what's up?" I question.

"Keegan I made a mistake a shitty mistake." She starts saying frantically.

"What? What did you do?!" I'm worried now.

"I- I posted that photo of Leah." She says pacing up and down the kitchen.

"Oh for fucks sake Jords! What were you thinking?!" I say putting both my hands on her shoulders stopping her from pacing.

Jordan was like an older sister to me, she's known me since I could barely kick a ball and has been there for me since the beginning.

"I- I don't know... I'm drunk and I'm still jealous over everything she does since the breakup and I k- know it was stupid and... god I've fucked up!"

I'm thinking of something but it's stupid.

"I'll take the blame." I say looking Jordan dead in the eyes.

"N- no I'm leaving for Aston Villa it doesn't matter K." She says shocked.

"Yeah but you know our lot. We're family and they've always got eachothers backs. You'll be on the end of possible career ending tackles and I can't watch them do that to you Jords, atleast I'll be on the same team so it'll be easier." I say running my hand down my face.

"They're your only family Keegan, I can't ask you to make them hate you."

"You can and I'm doing it anyways. Pay it forward for me yeah." I say patting her on the back and walking back out to the living room.

"And where were you just now Raine?" Katie says coming really close to me.

I back up a bit knowing she was incredibly intoxicated and I probably needed to be away from her to say this.

"I was debating my life decisions McCabe." I say with a straight face.

"And whys that?" Steph speaks up.

I make eye contact with Leah.

"I made the post."

Silence. Deafening silence. I watched Leah's heartbreak right infront of me and the next thing I know a fist had connected with my face.

"Fuck!" I shout as I hold my face looking at McCabe who had just punched me.

"You peice of fucking shit Raine. Fuck what is wrong with you!" Katie says grabbing me by the collar.

I won't fight back. I won't make this worse.

"Katie fucking hell don't kill her." I hear Beth say pulling Katie off. "Still fucked up Keegan, get out my house." Beth says and I comply.

I feel everyone staring at me. I know this was a silly decision but I couldn't bare seeing Jordan getting thrown around a pitch by them.

Well. There goes my family.


Word count: 730

A/n: new book! Crazy first chapter I can't lie but I've got to let you know why they hate her.

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