Chapter one

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Keegans pov:

We'd just finished the first match of the season. 3-2 win over chelsea. I scored two of the goals viv getting the other.

And even though I contributed the most I'm the only one not getting a hug at the end of the game. Funny thing is I don't actually deserve it.

Right now I'm on the first one on the team coach. I sit right at the front and put my bag on the seat next to me, I turn my headphones on and listen to Polo G.

Everyone else eventually starts getting on the bus brushing past me and as usual Katie gives me the dirty look of the century.

Then Leah walks by. She doesn't make eye contact, she hasn't since that night and I don't blame her. I wouldn't look at myself the same way if I actually did it.

Then Kim moves my bag and sits next to me. I roll my eyes turning away before she takes of my headphones.

"Give them back Kim seriously." I groan.

"No come on talk to me. What's up?" She's right something is up.

"I'm good Kim your only talking to me because it's your duty as captain to do so." I say taking my headphones back.

Truth be told I was struggling. The Arsenal family had been my rock and once that rock was taken away it felt like I had to face the world on my own again which is never fun.

"Maybe it is but atleast try and be freinds with the girls for me?"

"I tried Kim they all brushed me off and won't forgive me and that's my problem." I say putting my headphones back on.

I watch as Kim shakes her head and gets up from the seat allowing me to put my bag back there.

Jordan left for Villa at the end of the season and I think I underestimated how much of a family this team really is. I thought I wouldn't be on the end of fouls from all my teammates but somehow I am. The ringleader of it all, Katie McCabe. Not really surprising though as she is probably the most passionate.

The bus pulls up at coloney and everyone makes there way of the bus.

I turn my headphones and walk off the bus myself and when walking back towards my car someone shoved me in the back.

"Fucking grow up McCabe!" I shout shoving her back and taking my headphones off putting them in my bag.

"Piss off Raine you nearly lost us the match today." She says both our anger growing with each word.

"Me!? I scored two of the fucking goals your mistake is what costed us the second." I laugh.

Next thing I knew her fist had connected with my face and I had fallen too the floor blood streaming out my nose.

I get up and push Katie and she try's to hit me again but I get pulled away by two people who shove me into the gym room.

"What the fuck is wrong with her!" I say to Beth and Viv who had bought me in here clutching my nose as blood is still gushing out.

"She shouldn't of punched you." Viv says trying to look at my nose.

"I'm fine." I say brushing her off.

"Your not it's probably broken." Beth says from behind her.

"I'll just ice it at home it'll be fine." I mumble.

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