Chapter four

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Keegans flashback:

"Dad, will mum be okay?" I say gripping onto my fathers hand as we navigate the hospital.

"I don't know..." My dad says looking at me with soft eyes.

Mum had been in hospital for almost a year now with cancer and my Dad had received a call from the hospital but he won't tell me what was said.

Eventually we make it to her room and we walk in. To put things straight she really wasn't looking okay, her face was pale, she had no hair and was hooked up onto loads of machines.

My dad and mum whisper to eachother for a couple seconds before my mum makes eye contact with me.

"buenos días mi maní." She croaks weakly. (Good morning my peanut)

"Hola mamá." I whisper trying not to cry. (Hello mum)

"Ven aquí, dale un abrazo a tu mamá, ¿sí?" She says opening her arms for me. (Come here , give your mum a hug, yeah?)

I walk over and slowly lean down to hug her and I start crying to her chest.

"Will you be okay?" I whisper.

"I don't know." She says stroking my hair.

My parents were young when they had me, both sixteen, I was twelve currently so they were only twenty-eight which made this even harder knowing how young my mum is.

My dad was a mixed-raced, south londerner who unfortunately worked for a gang, in no way was he a bad man he just eneded up on the wrong path.

My mum was born and raised in Ibiza, Spain. We go on a lot of holidays there. She has very Hispanic features and worked as a hairdresser.

I was mixed-raced aswell, I took alot of features from my dad like my hair, facial structure and height but I had my mums eyes and my dad always says that.

Growing up in south London was never easy, it was football that saved me. My dad made it his mission to make sure I didn't go down the same path as him.

After spending the whole day with my mum watching movies and playing games visiting house were over.

I hugged my mum holding back tears as it doesn't get easier anytime.

"You promise me you'll follow your dreams, look after yourself and do what you want." She whispers gripping onto me tightly.

"I promise I will."

"te amo mi maní" (I love you my peanut)

"yo también te amo mamá." I say waving as me and my dad walk out of the room. (I love you too mum)

It feels so much like a goodbye. It killed really killed because I don't know if I'll ever see her again.


I was playing football at my local cage dominating everyone as per.

"Bruv ur shit." I laugh at one of my mates as I nutmegged him.

"Alright what are you? A fucking wonder kid!" He smiles as he gets ready to play defence again.

"I am." I smirk as I do a rainbow flick right over him volleying it into the net.

"Why'd you have to get so good?!" He sighs laying down on the ground.

"I'm just natrually talen-

"Keegan, come back inside I've got to tell you something." My dad says, he looks like he's been crying, he never cries.

"Coming Dad! Oi I'll see you later yeah bruv?" I say doing my handshake with my mate.

"Yeah yeah sure."

I run up the stairs to our council estate still wearing my boots when I walk inside to the living room.

My dads sitting there hands clasped together, leaning on his knees.

"Sit down." He whispers.

"Is everything alright?" I question sitting down as he asked.

"Y- your mother..."

My eyes widen in realisation immediately filling with tears.

"Y- your taking the piss, what the fu- w- what." I say running my hand down my face to get rid of the tears.

"She's d- dead... she fought all she could..."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." I say trying to hold back my tears.


Words: 675

A/n: shorter chapter beacsue it's just background.

Hope you liked it starting to uncover her past😱😱


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