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The morning started off usual.

Y/n rolled out of bed, his digital watch blaring for the 7th time before he managed it. He got up, got dressed, brushed his teeth - dry again, as it was 06:58am - and made his way to the kitchen. Monokuma was walking away, having just unlocked the doors.

Walking into the dining hall, Y/n started making his and Kirigiri's coffee. The kitchen had a stovetop expresso maker, so naturally the pair had been indulging in the better quality coffee rather than the instant stuff over by the kettle. Sure, it took longer. But the taste was worth it.

He then moved on to his hot chocolate prep, dicing the cooking chocolate, heating the milk, adding the cinnamon and caramel extract, finding the marshmallows and putting them on the counter ready. He laid everything out, and by the time he was done - the coffee had brewed.

After pouring it, Y/n walked to their table and placed both cups down on the coasters. The rings on them were growing thick, the amount of times they had now used them.

It didn't take long for the girl to come through, it seemed they kept getting up earlier and earlier just to try and beat the other to the punch.

Y/n grinned, letting a laugh out in the otherwise empty hall. "Goodmorning, sleepy."

Kirigiri offered him a look, "Sleepy? It's 7:05?"

Y/n hummed. "Yeah, its really unlike me to be up at satans arse crack. But it's my turn for coffee, so naturally I set a zillion alarms."

This earned the smallest, smuggest smile from the usually stone faced girl. "Are you really setting that many alarms for me?"

Y/n snorted, then twisted his wrist to show Kirigiri his digital watch. Going into the interface, you could see his recent alarms.

Cocking an eyebrow, the woman leant over and scrolled down them. "Really? Every five minutes from 5.30? How long do you take to wake up?"

"Eons. Sayaka used to lift my bedframe up so I'd fall out of bed on school mornings. I make up for it by making the best breakfast anyone has ever tasted, though." He said proudly, as if advertising himself.

"Hm, then I suppose you'll make a fine house husband for Monokuma." She joked, her tone just barely shining through.

Y/n's eyes instantly lit up, "Ah! You keep making more and more jokes with me. Seems you're warming up to me, hm?"

Kirigiri just rolled her eyes.

Twenty minutes later, Ishimaru came marching in. Everytime they got here before him, he'd get frustrated. Citing that he must be a better student.

After him, slowly everyone started filtering in. Y/n was happily chatting to Kirigiri, keeping an eye out for his sister. He was making good on his promise and had his hot chocolate ready to be reheated for her on the hob top. He had a habit of time watching, so he made sure to face away from the clock and turn his watch the other way round in order to be more patient.

Then, stumbling in was Naegi. Y/n smiled softly, standing up and greeting him.

"Naegi-sama! Good morning, can I talk to ya?"

Naegi nodded, coming to stand infront of the table Kirigiri sat. "Morning Maizono-sama, whats up?"

"I just wanted to thank you. You didnt have to look out for Sayaka as much as you have been, I know this place freaks her out. You're helping her more than you know and I appreciate that." Y/n explained, offering Naegi his hand to shake.

Naegi stared at it for a moment before shaking it. "No gloves?"

"If you're clean enough for my big sister, you're clean enough for me Naegi." Y/n joked.

A part of me, a part of you (Kyoko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now