Chapter 4. Unfulfilled anticipation

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Aukštaitija, Lithuania

The raven's croak could be heard in the distance. He moved through the trees that were vibrant green at this time of the year. It was summer. Almost a year had passed since their fall. Regardless of the nature surrounding him and the sun peeking through the thick of the branches, this place was still as eerie as he'd remembered. The atmosphere of the entire place sent chills down his spine. No wonder Hannibal didn't want to come back here.

He heard the footsteps-not his own, but those of a stag. No matter how many years had passed, it still followed him wherever he went. At some point, he stopped trying to run away from it. Instead, he even started feeling peace in its presence. It served as a reminder that this is who he is now. He followed where the stag led him.

He walked until he came across the familiar gates. LECTER DVARAS-it was written on them-Lecter Estate. Unlike the last time he was here, they were left unlocked. Hannibal was awaiting his arrival. With the screeching of metal, he went through.

There was no sight of that man, whom he so splendidly put on display. Hannibal must've liked the gift. He again followed the stag, which led him to a door. They were unlocked, as expected.

The sound of a harpsichord enveloped his ears. He walked further into the house, his steps small and discreet. It didn't take him long to see the man playing the instrument. He was facing away from him, his hands delicately passing over the keys. The sound he played was alluring-probably the finest piece of music he's ever heard. The noise of the harpsichord told its own story, and the way Hannibal played it told another one. The way he was doing it all, was perfection. After all, anything Hannibal ever did was perfection.

A few moments passed by, and the composition had reached its end. Silence filled the room.

"Hello, Will." He turned to look at the other. "You've changed your aftershave."

His heart quickened upon meeting the man's gaze. It was that face he so often found both in his dreams and nightmares. The one that brought peacefulness to his soul and yet made his heart quiver. It was that voice he so often heard in his head as his own. The one he never wished to hear again yet ended up yearning for.

"And you haven't written me any letters," he said, trying his best not to convey any emotion.

He took a few steps closer, narrowing the dreadful distance that was formed between them. "Would you have tossed them into the nearest fire after you'd been done reading them?" A nostalgic wave swept its way through his stomach.

"I wouldn't," he muttered out reluctantly. His eyes seemed to be absorbed by the man who stood before him.

"Oh?" A hint of interest formed on his face. "My apologies then; I should've written you. Had I known that you've anticipated my letters, I would've written to you every day."

Sitting on the nearest chair he could find, he let out a sigh and buried his face in his hands.

Hannibal didn't seem to mind it. His eyes lingered on the man as if he were caressing him with his gaze. "Have your injuries fully recovered?"

He raised his gaze to meet his. "They haven't. They are waiting to be mended by you." He wasn't referring to the physical ones.

His lips formed into a slight, knowing smile, his gaze never leaving Will's. "Wounds of the mind are the most difficult ones to heal. They linger, waiting for the right touch."

He felt his stomach churn at the implication in his words. "I didn't come here only for the healing, but because I had to," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him.

His amusement only grew greater. "And what reason might you have for doing that?" The intrigue in his voice could be heard.

As the uneasiness within him grew stronger, he exhaled in hopes of shaking it off. "I don't know, Hannibal," his voice betrayed helplessness. "Maybe I'm here because I can't stay away. Because no matter how hard I try, a part of me will always be drawn to you."

The man's smile widened slightly, a glint of something unreadable in his eyes. "Tell me, Will. Did you miss me?"

His lips parted, awaiting the words that should've come out of his mouth but didn't.

It was all so painfully obvious, yet he couldn't bear to admit it. He couldn't bear to admit that he had fallen for this man. Of course he missed him; he wouldn't have searched for him if he hadn't. He wouldn't have felt like this if he hadn't.

"I've missed you, Will." The teasing from his voice had entirely disappeared: instead, on his face was now a serious expression. Having his eyes locked with Will's, he got down, leveling his gaze to his. He placed his hand upon his cheek, a gentle touch that made the other man weak.

He could feel his heart thrumming desperately inside his chest. Unable to breathe, he felt as if he was going to suffocate from the tension in the air. Like he was going to turn mad from the look that this man gave him, or melt from his delicate hand that so often both wounded him and repaired him.

In the silence, where nothing could be heard except for their breathing, a subtle knock on the door filled their ears.

Annoyance could be spotted on Hannibal's face as he pulled his hand away reluctantly and stood up again. "Come on in," he tried to say indifferently, but his voice appeared to be agitated.

Will didn't know whether he should feel relieved or bothered that they were interrupted. His breaths were still unsteady, his face warm with unfulfilled anticipation. He felt as if his whole body was burning, especially the place where Hannibal's hand was placed. One hand. One hand on his cheek was enough to set him on fire.

The woman entered through the door. She was carrying a sniper under her arm and the corpse of the bird in another. "Hey, I caught this pheasant. Could you make-" She stopped for a moment, acknowledging the other man's presence. "Oh. So he's arrived."

Hannibal turned to look at him. "Will, Chiyoh helped me after we fell off a cliff. I probably wouldn't be standing here if she didn't. Also," he continued, "she promised she wouldn't try to kill you again."

Still flustered by the recent happenings, he tried his best to just pardon himself out of the room. "Yeah, right. I-, uh, think I need to get some fresh air. Excuse me." He left.

"What's his problem?" Confused look on her face.

The man's lips curled into a knowing smile.

A/N- I'm so sorry for edging you guys, I just thought it'd be too soon for anything to happen just yet. 😞
Don't worry though, it will happen. Hehe. 🤭

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