05 : a very long day

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Christmas and New Years came and went for Zinnia, and she felt that she should be doing a lot more than she currently was. Her last album, 'Sling', had come out over a year ago, and since then she had struggled to write anything. Maybe it was because she had been preoccupied, with more modelling gigs than usual, going on tour, and scheduling her time around whenever Timothée was free.

"He's taking me out tonight. It's the first time in ages."

Zinnia was on facetime with Enya, one of her closest friends, and Drew was in the background offering helpful (or what he thought was helpful) advice.

"That's nice! How long is he staying with you this time?"

"A few weeks." Zinnia lay on her stomach on her bed, her chin resting in her hand, her long blonde hair spilling over her shoulder.

"Let me know how it goes. And at least you're being taken out by a man." Enya laughed.

"You literally have sex with Drew every night."

"Yeah, but that doesn't count because Drew is nasty."

"Oh my god, Zin, do you hear how mean she is to me?" Zinnia heard Drew's voice from somewhere in Enya's room.

Zinnia rolled her eyes at the pair. "I have to go guys, me and Den are babysitting Bowie for Juno and Froy, they're going to some cute little pottery class date."

"God, those two are so cute. Actually all your siblings have pretty cute relationships."

"Yeah." Zinnia sighed.

"Call me later, and give Bowie a hug from me." Enya said, kissing the camera and waving,

"Bye." Zinnia blew her a kiss back, and hung up.

She was wearing a grey long sleeve top and a long black skirt, and white socks with a sweet lace trim. Zinnia grabbed her bag and put on a navy trucker cap, keeping her hair out of her face, and she slipped her feet into a pair of black mary janes.

Zinnia liked to walk, and Juno's wasn't far, so she began the journey, stopping to buy herself an iced coffee. Zinnia thought that there was something luxurious about buying something she could easily make at home. It would be a nice start to a nice day, she would have fun with Bowie and Denmark, then have a fancy dinner with her boyfriend and finally see him properly, and actually be able to see him the next day too. Her stomach fizzed in excitement at the thought.

It was easy walking around in LA without getting too much attention, everyone here was either famous or used to seeing famous people all the time, something that Zinnia loved about her city. When she had gone on holiday to London to see her father last year, she had been stopped by people at least ten times a day.

Zinnia stopped when she got to Juno's sweet, cottage-like house, tucked away in a smaller area surrounded by tall trees. Juno' house was just like her, small and cute, the total opposite to her mother's grand, sweeping estate.

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