Against two stooges.

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A/N It's a short chapter.

Y/N had already prepared for his match but had to do a quick interview.

So he waited for the cue as Megan Morant started the interview off saying "Now we speak to Y/N L/N. You have a match tonight against two members of the Alpha Academy. But considering what happened last week where is your head at right now?"

"Is Ezekiel and Elias the same person?"


"You asked where my mind is at? At first, I thought Kevin Owens was right. When I first arrived on Raw he told me that Ezekiel and Elias were the same person at the start I thought he was crazy but the more I think about it. I think he's right. Have we ever seen them together in the same room?"

"We have."

"Exactly. What, wait, we have?"

"Yeah." The reporter takes out a phone and Googles Elias and Ezekiel showing multiple pictures of the two. "See. They're brothers that just look alike."

"Oh god. There are two of them. I need to apologize."

He goes to walk away but he gets stopped by the reporter asking "Excuse me, can I ask what do you make of Finn joining the Judgement Day and then turning on Edge and kicking him out of the Judgement Day last week on Raw?"

"I made my feelings known about Judgement Day earlier tonight. Do I care that Edge got beaten to a pulp? No, I don't care as far. But Finn I don't know what's going through his head. I'm not living there. Because I'm living in the moment and at this moment in time I got a match against the Alpha Academy."

Y/N continues "So tonight it doesn't matter if it's Elias, Ezekiel, Elrod, his great aunt Elena, El Gigante, or Elmo. We will win tonight against the Alpha Academy." He scoffs walking away "Who comes up with these names? Alpha Academy."

In the match Y/N started taking on the smaller Chad Gable. Chad was an Olympian who was known for his technical wrestling so Y/N had to work his way around him. He succeeded in taking control keeping his distance using his longer reach to avoid grappling with him. He made the tag to Ezekiel.

Y/N would stay out of the match as Ezekiel lost the control and was slowly getting picked apart by the Alpha Academy.

Elias gets up and makes the hot tag to Y/N who runs through Gable with two clotheslines sending him to the floor. He does an inverted atomic drop sending him wheeling. He then goes into a spinebuster dropping him. He goes to the corner of the ring and proceeds to go to charge up his running finisher.

Austin Theory drags him out of the ring, hiding him behind a ring post. Y/N who was having none of it jumps over the ring post hitting both of them. He goes to move Gable back in the ring but Otis comes steamrolling through Y/N dodges sending him into Austin Theory. Otis looks apologetically to Theory but Y/N whips him into the ring post taking him out.

He goes back in the ring to Chad Gable, stirring as he runs in hitting the RF/N. He goes for the pinfall winning the match. "Good win Ezekiel. Sorry about earlier."

"Don't worry I get it all the time. Now if you don't mind. I have to address something."

"You want my help? You had my back so I got yours."

"Nah I'm good."

Y/N exits the ring heading to the back as Ezekiel calls out Kevin Owens.

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