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As everyone got ready for bed DrRetro would gather everyone again.

"Meow meeow, meow meow" (we can't go to bed yet it's dangerous, we need someone to look out for while everyone sleeps)

"1ll D0 1t"

"Meow meeow?" (You sure you can do it?)

"1 b4rl3y g3t 4ny sl33p 4nyw4y"

DrRetro would hand him a bat before heading upstairs to the master bedroom. Lampert would walk up to Infected soon after.

"You sure you'll be able to stay up?"

"1ll b3 f1n3 l4mpy"


Lampert would give Infected a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs as well.

"L0v3 y0u sw33t dr34ms! <333 "

"Love you too goodnight"

As soon as Lampert left Mark and Walter would glare at Infected.

"Wut d1d 1 d0?"

"Can't believe our son is treatin a stoner like you with more respect than his old man"

"W3ll l4mpy t0ld m3 wh4t h4pp3n3d th4t n1ght 4nd h3s r1ght! Y0u tw0 s0und l1k3 h0rt1bl3 d4ds D:<"

"Say that shit again and see what happens"

Mark would get into Infected's face and roll up his arm sleeves before Pest would quickly intervene to prevent things from escalating.


Mark would glare at Infected one last time before Storming upstairs to go to bed. Walter would soon follow.

Everyone would eventually go upstairs to bed leaving Infected alone in the pitch black living room.

He pulled out his phone which surprisingly still had data and started to browse through social media.

As he was scrolling through his saved he suddenly started to hear someone groaning and knocking on the door.

He immediately turned pale as he grabbed the bat and started to slowly approach the door. He'd peek out the peephole and see a man who was covered in blood and had bite marks all over his body. He had raggedy clothes and his eyes were bloodshot.

Infected would step back in horror and accidentally bump into a table, knocking over a set of keys.

As soon as they hit the floor the knocking would only get louder. His breath would begin to quicken as he started to think of what to do. He'd eventually build up the courage and slam the door open on the zombie knocking then to the porch floor.

"1m s0rry..."

Infected would slam the baseball bat down on the zombies skull with a wet thud as it made contact. Blood would spew everywhere and even onto his face and clothes. He would do this a few more times just for good measure. Once the body stopped moving he would look down at the body and nearly vomit at the sight of the crushed zombie skull at his feet. He started to think of a way to get rid of this body before he would get sick.

He would grab the body's feet and start to drag it off the porch and leave it on a patch of grass in front of the house and quickly run back inside and lock the door.

He immediately went to the bathroom and started to wash the blood off of him as well as the bat before sitting back down on the couch and staring at the ceiling until the sun rose.

Lampert would be the first to wake up. He didn't sleep well because Infected wasn't at his side in bed. He'd immediately get up and go to the living room to check in on him. He'd find him sprawled out on the couch, his eyes wide and he was as pale as a ghost.

regretavator zombie apocalypse or smth idkWhere stories live. Discover now