Céline Anna Laurent

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George POV

I take a sip from my glass of liquid.
Its been almost a week since that thing with Ray..


We get into the room and the first thing Ray does is push me against the door. He immediately went in for a kiss..

But I couldn't.

I cover his mouth.
"No kissing." I say "No problem." he kisses my hand which I immediately pull away.

"No hand kissing either.." I mumble "o..kay.." he gives me a confused look before he slowly grabs my wrist as was about to kiss my neck.

"You smell so good, George.." Ray whispers "Ugh.." I push his head away.
"Can't you do something?!" I angrily speak "Do something- I'm trying! You are stopping me!"

"I am not!" I speak "then let me kiss you?" He speaks. "I said no kiss!" I yell "I know! You won't let me do anything!" He yells back.

"I knew you wouldn't be ready.." Ray suddenly mumbles "I would never sleep with a drunk person."

"You-" I was about to speak "I knew you couldn't do all that because you still are with Clay!" he yells.

"You aren't able to move on because you guys never said the B-word.. break up." he speaks "He might be dead and you still hang on to that stupid relationship."

my eyes wide..

"Sleep here tonight.." Ray says before he

end of flashback*


He really could be.. how am I able to move on?! I can't right?

But have I tried?
I am still in my delusional world where I hope that he'll come back one day.. pathetic.
I have never tried to move on, but how do you move on?

No one ever showed us how to move on from a person. They teach us what x is, Past Perfect Tense and so on.. but never the real stuff.


I have to at least try right.. to move on from him. I need to forget Clay! What if he's dead by now!

My own body freezes from what I just said..
How could I say that.. am I right in my mind?
There's no way he's dead.. right?

I look at my trembling hand.

Clay POV

"The only two things I found out is that she has a child." I speak as I don't dare to look into Mathews eyes.

"Céline.. has a child?" I hear Mathew mumble which made me look up.. into his shocked face.

"She has a son.. and she's a cashier at a Carrefour Market." I speak "At.. Carrefour?" His eyes are widen.

"I don't know in which.. but she works in one." I tell him with a small smile "How did.. how did you found all that out so fast?" Mathew mumbles.

"Rather I like it or not.. I am the son of my father." I awkwardly laugh "You really wanna see him huh..?" Mathew suddenly mumbles.

I freeze for a second before I look at him once again after I looked away.

"Yeah.. I really do."

We stare at each other.

"The moment you find the place she works at, which Carrefour I mean, I'll give you his address and everything that's needed for you." Mathew looks straight into my eyes.

I tried to hold back my smile.. but I couldn't.

"Thanks man!" I put my arm around him.
"I'll find her within two days!" I smirk at him "I hope so.. don't forget you father is looking for us." He speaks.

Right.. he really is.

"Don't worry. I won't sleep until I find your Céline!" I proudly speak as I pull him with me.
A soft scoff is heard from him.

I'll soon see you, George.
I don't care who that fucker is which took you away, I'll snatch you right back, stupid idiot!

I don't care how happy you are.. you are mine and I will get you back.


"Ow- why did you smack me dude!" I rub my head "You are too touchy." Mathew coldly speaks.

"Damn.." I mumble as we walk.

After we got back into the hotel room.. I checked Google for new information.

There are 5,755 Carrefour in France.. how am I able to find that ONE.

I look over to Mathew who's sleeping in his bed. Maybe.. I could start off from where she used to live.

NO- I know what I have to do!

Right now it's 7:35am.
I get my jacket and quickly leave the hotel room with my mask on.

I once made my way to her apartment but she doesn't live there anymore.. the only chance I got is to get the owner of that apartment to tell me where she moved to.

This is the only way.. I have no other way than that.
The last chance.

Once I find out where she lives I'll be able to either find out where she works or to visit her at home.


"Bonjour..?" The men comes out "N'êtes-vous pas le gars d'il y a quelques jours?" He angrily looks at me.


"Uh.. English please?" I confusedly look at him "Uh.. you the boy from a few days?" That man speaks now.

"Ah- yes!" I quickly speak "No worries! I just need a little help please.." I mumble "help?" He speaks.

"Yeah.. Céline Anna Laurent used to live here before you. Do you know her by any chance- or where she went?" I ask.

"Céline Anna Laurent.." his look gets more angry.

"Yes. Do you know her- I need you to tell me where she is right now, please!" I speak up.

"Why you need her!" He angrily speaks "Huh..?"

"Why do you need my daughter." He angrily speaks.


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