VII. Puddle of Tears

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November, 1994.

Hermione kept to herself at dinner, just eating and getting back to the common room as quickly as possible to get as much homework done before she had to head to the astronomy tower. Parvati and Lavender came upstairs to the dorms and got her when it was time. They were wearing pajamas and Hermione had changed into some sweatpants and a jumper.

Parvati and Lavender talked excitedly of their little stargazing assignment but Hermione stayed quiet as they walked. She hadn't been particularly excited to be in such close proximity to Harry any time soon. He was already there when they arrived. He was talking with Neville on one of the blankets and looked up when Hermione entered the tower, giving a small smile and nod. Against her wishes, she returned it. She went to sit with Parvati and Lavender near Harry and Neville. All of the Slytherins and Gryffendors began filing in, all of them wearing pajamas or sweatpants. It registered in Hermione's mind that she had only ever seen these people in Hogwarts robes so seeing them wearing pajamas mildly shocked her. Especially the Slytherin's. Them wearing comfortable clothing seemed to break the sort of tough and cold air around them. They all looked so cozy.

Draco was one of the last ones to come up to the tower. He was with Crabbe, Blaise, and Pansy. He wore black sweatpants and a black long sleeved shirt. Without the layers of robes and button down shirts, she could see every shape of the upper half of his body. His stomach was slender and his shoulders broad, a little bit muscular. She made herself look away after a few seconds of studying his figure. She felt his eyes on her after he sat down on one of the blankets with his friends on the opposite side of the room. The Gryffendors and Slytherins had separated as they did in every other aspect of life.

Draco sat with a scowl on his face. Clearly this was not how he would have chosen to spend his night.

"Students! Students!" Professor Sinastra shouted over the noisy class to capture their attention. "Welcome to stargazing night, a little party as well as assignment I do for all of my fourth year classes. You'll find drinks and snacks around the room as well as games to play. You'll split into pairs now and when it is your group's turn, you'll go on the balcony and draw the required constellations–two groups can be out there at a time–one from Gryffendor–one from Slytherin. Find your groups and then we'll get started."

Lavender and Parvati had already linked arms next to her so Hermione stood up in search of another Gryffendor to pair with. She looked at Ron–but then he walked over to Neville. Dean went to Seamus. It seemed that everyone had a partner. Then she saw Harry, looking around just as desperately and alone as she. Everyone was paired off–she knew that. She made her way over to him.

"Partners?" she asked in a quiet voice.

He nodded and gave her another one of those little smiles.

"Everyone paired? Alright, who would like to start on the balcony?"

Parvati and Lavender immediately raised their hands, wanting to go first.

"Okay there's a group from Gryffendor." She scanned the Slytherin side of the room. No one raised their hand or met her eye. "Okay, I'll choose! Pansy and Daphne, you two will start on the balcony with Parvati and Lavender."

The two groups of girls exchanged foul looks before heading out to the balcony with their parchment and quills.

Everyone else was free to go around the room and make conversation or do whatever they wanted. No one particularly wanted to be there. They just had to stay for the full two hours to get credit for the assignment. Hermione and Harry stayed where they were sitting. She noticed him watching Ron from the corner of her eye. She felt a pang of sadness.

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