A Rocker's Choice

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The Royal Woods High School Gym was buzzing, but not because of a game, but an event. It was a college fair. Students were filling the place to check out the booths. Many looked excited. While others were deep in thought as they stared at some of the signs or pamphlets. However, one student was looking nervous, as she looked over some pamphlets for schools outside of Royal Woods, including one from the Julie Arts College. This student was Luna Loud, the current oldest Loud still living in the Loud House, as Lori was in her second year of college at Fairway University and Leni had just started attending college at a Fashion School in Great Lakes City alongside Carlota Casagrande. As she continued to stare over the pamphlets, Luna began to sweat a bit. She was brought out her thoughts, when her girlfriend, Sam Sharp, tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Hi, Luna. How have you been enjoying the fair?"

Turning to her, Luna smiled at first, but then her nervous look returned as she replied, "Um, it's been fine. Been looking at some stuff."

Sam noticed her pamphlets and said, "I can see that. Any of them really interest you?"

The Loud shook her head, "Not really?"

Pointing to the Julie Arts pamphlet, "Not even Julie Arts? I think that would be right up you're alley?"

"Yeah, I do want to be a great rocker one day, like Mick Swagger, and the people running the booth even said they've watched some of my music videos online and think I should go for it."

"So then why don't you?"

"Um, well."

As Luna began to stutter and nervously rub the back of her head, Sam grew worried, "Luna, are you okay?" Luna opened her mouth to reply, but stopped and then ran out of the gym. Sam was quick to run after, "Luna!" Eventually, her chase led her into the bathroom. Upon entering she saw Luna's purple boots under one of the stalls. She slowly walked over and knocked on the stall door, "Luna, what's wrong? Please tell me."

Luna unlocked the door and slowly said, "You'll think it's stupid."

Sam shook her head, "Luna, after all we been through, I'd never think that about what you're feeling." She soon entered the stall with Luna, holding her girlfriend's hands compassionately, "Just tell me." (The idea to have Sam comfort Luna in the bathroom comes from the amazing fanfic writer BlueBelleIsabelle. She had Sam do the same in a chapter of her great story Luna and Sam: Lucky in Love, which I wanted to use for this moment. If you actually like my terrible writing then you should check hers out it's truly incredible. Link to this great story here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/218840760-lucky-in-love-a-sam-and-luna-fanfic)

Giving a sigh that would make Lucy proud, Luna began, "I'm scared."

Raising an eyebrow, Sam asked, "Of what?"

"Going to college. As much as I think it would be cool to go to Julie Arts, I'm scared of leaving Royal Woods. My family is here. And I'm also scared of losing you."

Hugging her, "Oh, Luna." She began rubbing the back of Luna's head, "I have those same fears, but you know no matter what you'll never lose me."

"Thanks, Sam."

Just then, Luna's immediately youngest sister, Luan Loud popped up from the top of the other stall, and said, "She's right, Luna."

The two turned to her and looked up with confusion, "Luan?" Luna then asked, "What are you doing in here?"

Luan hopped down, walked out of the stall, and into the one Luna and Sam were in, "Setting up a prank in the bathroom. I guess you could say, I'm a stinker." She gave a laugh, "Ha ha ha. Get it?" Luan's face then changed to be serious, "But seriously, Luna, I agree with Sam. No matter what college you decide to go to you won't lose any of us. After all, Louds stick together." She hugged Luna.

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