Chapter 15: Anger

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Harry and Hermione were discussing angering strategies with Jing. Their talk with the Queen had given them a lot of food for thought. They had recently received a letter from Lady Greengrass thanking them for their willingness to provide sanctuary to her family. She was willing to put 1 million galleons into the cause in weapons and defense. All she wanted was for her daughters to be left out of the fight. Hermione understood her reasons, but she was contemplating if this was a reasonable or even feasible compromise. It would be very difficult to guarantee such a thing in the current climate. Jing believed that they could commit to leaving their participation as a last resort type of thing. Anything else was reckless. Harry was writing their response when their conversation was cut short by screaming from downstairs.

"POTTER! HELP!" Draco screamed in a panic as Luna held him up. "POTTER! GRANGER! HELP!"

Hermione ran down the stairs, "What is it? What's wrong?"

"Luna had a vision!" Draco began. He had his arm around Luna's shoulders. His wheelchair was still on the beach.

"Daphne is in danger," Luna added.

Harry reached them, narrowly avoiding crashing into Hermione. "We are going to need a bit more than that, Luna..."

Jing barely swerved and held on to the wall so as not to push them forward and knock Luna and Draco out.

"You don't believe me," Luna looked crushed.

"What?! No! Of course, we do. But where is she? Who is threatening her? What did you see?" Hermione rapidly fired.

"Something happened at Hogwarts. I... They tried to apprehend Snape."

"WHAT?!" Harry exclaimed, completely horrified. However, as much as he hated the man, Harry recognized that Snape wouldn't be Riddle's right-hand man if he wasn't a kick-ass duelist.

"They who?!" Hermione exclaimed, her mind jumping to 50 different possibilities that made her blood run cold.

"For the reward?!" Draco felt faint.

"I don't know..." Luna sighed.

"Neville knew this was going to happen. It can't have been the P.A.," Harry said, scratching his head.

"I... It was a lot of information and too fast. I just saw spells all over the place, a damaged Great Hall, but he took her... I... Lucius Malfoy took her; I am sorry, Draco."

He turned to her with pain and horror all over his face, "What did he do to her?" Harry took Draco's arm off Luna and dragged him to his bed in the living room.

"He... I can't say for sure... I saw her bloodied and bruised. She's in the basement, but she's alive."

"FUCK! I WILL KILL HIM!" Draco grimaced as his leg started bleeding.

"WHOA! Stop! Draco, don't move. Your leg! You will injure it permanently! Duro cane!" Hermione pointed her wand at his leg, and the spell immobilized it so that he couldn't bend his knee. Harry pushed him down on his bed. Hermione looked at Kreacher, and the elf popped away and back in with Andromeda.

"Draco! What did you do?!" She unceremoniously vanished his pajama pants and started doing spells on his leg.

The rest of the Chang family ran downstairs, but Andromeda ordered Tonks to stay in bed. She had been checking the baby, and Narcissa would panic too much if she was alone.

"What is going on here?" Longwei asked.

"Are you guys ready to go on a mission?" Harry asked.

Longwei pulled out his sword. "Always! Name the place!"

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