It wasnt that bad 🤷

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The sun goes down around five. I went to my bedroom, took off my shoes and started the shower. I'm gonna take a shower so that my hair will be clean, so I don't have to take one for a few days.
I wash my hair, like normal with my shampoo conditioner, and I use body wash even though some people at my school don't even use it. Once I got out of the shower, I dried off and put on my oversize T-shirt while I went and dried my hair. My hair takes a long time to dry because it's pretty thick. I sectioned my hair out and dried it until it was completely dry. After it was dry, I went to style it. I think I'm gonna wear it straight for tonight and probably straight tomorrow for school as well. It took me about 20 to 30 minutes to do my hair but it didn't take that long. I put it up to at least 450° on my hair and it doesn't take as long when it's that high as it was getting closer to sundown. I went and picked out a different outfit. I'm not gonna wear the same thing I wanna at least look cute in my closet. I picked out a nice comfy pair of pants with a short sleeve top and a jacket to go over because it's gonna be cold obviously. I made sure I grabbed my money too because I told the boys I'd buy them stuff. I did finish touches like bracelets and necklaces which I didn't wear much. I just wore one bracelet that I had that I made when I was really young and then I had a necklace that my mom had given me. I was thinking, should I tell Johnny how I feel? Maybe I should, well if he comes to my house tonight to stay the night again I'll tell him then I'm not gonna tell him at the movies. I don't wanna ruin the movies for everybody.
   It was getting closer to sundown and I had to head over to Curtis's house. I grabbed my shoes and I grabbed the key because my parents said they were gonna lock the door because I told them  I was gonna be out a little later.  I started walking to Curtis's house which was only a few minutes away from mine I'd say about 5 to 10 minutes.
  I knocked on the door and soda pop answered and told me to come in. " Where is pony at?".  Soda then looked at me " he's upstairs knock yourself out" made my way upstairs and knocked on his door " come in!" he yelled from the other side. " hey pony it's me, Gracie '' I said, as I open the door. " Johnny isn't here yet, but you can just sit on the bed and wait." I sat down on the bed and watched as pony got ready. " is that what you're wearing? You look pretty dolled up for the movies". Pony said, while looking at me. "well, I mean I tried wearing comfy clothes but I still did my hair in a little bit of make up. I don't wanna look stupid at the movies." i stated. "or do you just wanna impress Johnny huh?" pony said jokingly. " ha ha very funny." I said sarcastically. Two-Bit yelled from down stairs. "Pony, Gracie, Johnny's here!!" we both got up and ran down the stairs into the living room. " y'all ready?" pony asked us. Me and Johnny both knotted our heads yes and we walked out the door. Walking to the movies wasn't that far; it was about five minutes not even a mile. But there was one of the fun parts: I like walking into places and actually you get to see more.  Pony was jumping around like he was high on sugar. Johnny an me, both just stayed silent and laughed at him as he fell and tripped over rocks and sticks. We soon arrived at the drive-in. I paid for our tickets and we found seats in the middle row. Do boys want anything? Popcorn? Drinks?" I asked. "yeah can I get popcorn and a Coke?" pony asked. "Sure, Johnny, do you want anything?" he looked at me "yeah popcorn and coke too". " Will one of y'all help me carry all this??" Pony Pointed on his nose "not it!". Johnny got up and went with me to the concession stand. "Here you get the drinks i'll hold the popcorns" i told Johnny. The line was pretty fast for a drive in normally it's packed and slow. "so you gonna stay the night again?" i asked jOhnny hoping he would. "I don't know. probably. I'm gonna stop by my house to see how it's going and if it's bad I'll come to yours ok?" Johnny explained. "ok". I paid for the food and Johnny and I carried it to our seats where Pony was waiting like a starving pig. I handed Pony his Popcorn and Johnny handed the Drink because he was so impatient to wait until we sat down. They looked good, it was one of those beach romance movies. They make me feel lonely since they're all lovey-dovey. But I could care less about the movies. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Johnny every so often looking at me. "Are you okay?" I whispered in his ear "yeah" he replied. Johnny still proceeded to look at me every so often, but then he started getting into actually paying attention to the movie.  so I finally started paying attention. The movie wasn't that bad to be honest it was a pretty good one. About teen romance, and all of that good stuff about high school. Ponyboy was so into the movie that he didn't even notice Two-Bit laughing behind him because he was drunk per- usual. Johnny didn't seem to notice him either, just me. Two-Bit came behind Johnny and grabbed his shoulder and Jump scared him to death. He was actually so scared he was shaking. "Sorry John, i forgot," two-bit said to johnny. "it's ok". two bits then notice me sitting beside Johnny. "Hey there, aren't you the girl from the other day?" I turned over and looked at it and tried to smile. " Yeah, that's me, the girl from the other day.. it's Gracie by the way" I ended up saying that without a smile. I was just trying to enjoy a movie with my friends, you know. But it's ok. I know two bits so it's fine. The movie was almost over anyway. Almost the whole time the two-bit was there. He talked about how he met these girls and was messing with them in the parking lot and got a girls number. But I tried focusing on the movie, but I still seem to notice Johnny, looking at me and two-bit it wouldn't shut his mouth. Well, the movie ended, but hey, at least I got to watch a ¾ of it without being interrupted by a blabber mouth.
Since the movie was over, we all walked home. Ponyboy kept on ranting on and on about the movie and the characters in the plot of it. I didn't even really know what the movie was about ,or even who the actors were due to the fact I barely got to watch the end. but it was fine. The movie was ok anyways, I enjoyed it while it lasted. " So Johnny? You haven't met my parents yet have you?" I asked Johnny as we were walking home. " no, I don't think I've actually met them," he replied. I then asked him " would you like to?". " oh..I don't know, maybe.. tomorrow?" he said, in a nervy, raspy voice. I nodded my head and we continued to walk. Ponyboy started to ask me and Johnny questions. questions like, are you staying the night at her house again? Are you sure that's all y'all are gonna do? What do y'all even do there? And obviously, we both were getting annoyed by his questions and he caught on after a few minutes. They walked to my front door, I had to get my keys out to unlock the door. As I was getting my keys I reminded Johnny. "Don't forget, come here if you need to. '' I told Johnny right before I shut the door saying bye to them.

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