Chapter 3: Coffee

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Selena's pov

When Raven and I got to Starbucks Raven parked the car. We both got out of the car and headed to Starbucks and got in line to order our drinks. Raven told me she will pay for the drinks. I said Oh okay I got us a table. I was waiting for my drink. I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked who was getting hold of me. I smiled so bright when I saw the name *it was Leo* I answered it. I saw Leo was just walking around in his house. I said Hey! *with a smile*

Leo's pov

Hey! Selena I've missed you how you've been?

Selena's pov

I'm good, you?

Leo's pov

I'm good, what are you doing?

Selena's pov

I'm at Starbucks

Leo's pov

Ooo I wish I was there

Selena's pov

Yeah me too

Leo's pov

What kind of drink did you get?

Selena's pov

Leo you know my favorite

Leo's pov

Let me guess is it the peppermint Frappuccino

Selena's pov

Yup you're correct

Leo's pov

I knew it, I know you so well

Selena's pov

I know you do *giggling*

Leo's pov

*giggling* I miss you, I hope can see you soon

Selena's pov

Me too I hope too

Leo's pov

Hey I gotta go okay talk to you later

Selena's pov

Okay see ya

Leo's pov

See you bye

Selena's pov

Bye love you

Leo's pov

Love you too

*End of the call*


When I was done chatting with Leo to be honest I missed him so much. Hopefully I do see him soon. When I was thinking a little bit Raven came with the drinks. Finally I have been waiting for ages * joking* Raven said okay I know you get crappy without your coffee *giggling* I said yeah true. When Raven and I got done drinking our drinks. We were leaving to go home. I hopped in the car and did the same thing to Raven. When I got home I did some cleaning of the house and doing laundry. I was exhausted from doing chores. When I was done I walked in my room getting ready for bed. I walked in the bathroom and took off my makeup. I walked back to my room. Getting into my comfy clothes and rushing into bed I fell asleep.

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