Finn Talks

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"Hey, what's up Y/N we haven't spoken in a while. You fabing me or something?"

"I've been busy."

"Too busy to answer one phone call?"

"Okay. If you want to be honest I'll be honest. We haven't spoken till you turned your back on me and joined the Judgement Day. Now that we've talked I'll see you again next month." Y/N turns his back going to leave but Finn grabs his shoulder stopping him and making him wince.

"Oi. Only one of those things is true. Sure I joined the Judgement Day but I've never turned my back on you. Me and you have always been like this." He crosses his fingers "I'm only asking for five minutes to talk."

"What's there to talk about? It's not a short list. There's my new US title. My win with R-Truth. The fact that you guys and Rhea aren't all in one spot so I'm paranoid that's she plotting something or hiding around somewhere waiting to offer me a spot or the fact you joined the group that cost me my IC title and took out your boy."

"Hey Y/N, I came here looking for my friend but it turns out you're looking for a fight. Are you looking for a fight?"

Y/N truly didn't know. A couple of months ago the answer was obvious. Not because he was afraid of Finn but because they were friends. He didn't want to fight his friend but now he wasn't his friend. He changed sides. Not him.

Finn answered the question for him.

"Nah I know you. You're not looking for a fight. Fights find you. Come on, Y/N how long have we've been boys. I've always had your back just like you've always had mine. You're one of the reasons my NXT title reign was so long I'm only offering the same in return."

He wasn't wrong, NXT at that time was tumultuous; every male wrestler on the roster didn't know who they could trust and who they couldn't. It was lucky it never tipped over backstage, all of it being settled out in the empty arena but Finn had his back throughout it all.

He at least earned a chance for Y/N to hear him out. "Fine."

Finn smiles "That's all I ask. Your United States Champion. Congrats by the way, I saw the match and it was special. You defied the odds. Taking out Theory and his group to become the new youngest United States Champion ever. But the question is how long can you retain the title?"

Y/N says challenging him "Are you challenging me?"

"No. No. No Y/N I know you don't trust me right now but just listen. It's just that you're the only champion on Raw now because Roman comes and goes when he pleases."

Y/N just nods noting that Finn wasn't wrong. Roman barely showed up to Smackdown these days let alone Raw.

"So you're the only target people around here have to aim at. So who better to trust than old friends to have your back? Instead of whatever new friends you can make because they don't have your back anymore, not Ezekiel or R-Truth or any other person you can find because being the Champion on Monday Nights is more important to people around here than your hurt feelings."

"Think about it. I'm only a phone call away."

Y/N was left pondering the decision as Finn walked away happy that he planted the seeds of doubt in Y/N's mind.

Maybe he could join. The main reason he was angry at Judgement Day was because Edge cost him the IC title. He knew he should move on but he couldn't move on. Even though Edge got laid out by Judgement Day.

Was this a case of the enemy of the enemy is my friend?

No, he couldn't accept. Rhea turned on Liv.

Liv was a friend and Rhea was her enemy. So the enemy of my friend is my enemy but he used to be much closer to Rhea than to Liv. Then wouldn't Liv be the enemy?

No, she wasn't, she was a good friend. That had his back it was more than Rhea did.

It went against everything he stood for.

What did he actually stand for?

He's always been himself but with a championship adorned around his waist does that change him?

No, he is still who he believed himself to be.

But should he bend his moral compass so that he can retain his title? He didn't think he would be able to withstand another short title reign. Especially a short reign caused by Judgement Day.

His mind was thrown all out of wack. Everything related to Judgement Day was throwing his mind through circles. He didn't know anything anymore but he did know one thing he was a fighting champion and the next week he showcased it.

But today he was going to get his arm checked and then go to the Street Profits fourth of July celebration.

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