Chapter 1: Harsh reality

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"Kang Junhyuk!" My member named Mateo called to me. "I told you to grab me some snacks~" He said.

"Why aren't you able to get it? You have two legs so use them." I said in a serious tone.

He looks at me annoyed. "That isn't any way to talk towards your hyung." He clicked his tongue "Now, before i get any more mad give me a snack."

I clenched my hands in anger as he spoke. Despite my anger, i still gave it to him. "Easy right?" He spoke.

Someone barged in, it was Min-ho. "Come on, it's time for our recording." As he spoke i asked. "Is it possible for you to change the line distribution? I understand I'm the youngest but i don't even have 5 seconds."

Minho looked at me as if i wasn't even part of the group. "You should be happy you have some lines, if we did it would die down fast. Thats how unlucky you are."

Mateo laughed. Despite his laughter i kept on protesting against the unfair treatment. "Please! Let me just have a full verse to myself-"

Cheon slapped me. "Stop being so selfish! Just be happy with your lines." I stood frozen as i looked at him. "Its not like your any popular." Cheon mumbled.

Min-ho interrupted Cheon as he says. "Junhyuk, i think you should just go home. We'll record the first few verses before your lines." I bit my lip as he said the last sentence.

"Am i really that big of a nuisance to yo-" Suddenly Min-ho shouts "YES, YES YOU ARE. SO JUST GO HOME."

I thought. "So i am just a nuisance? Fine suit yourselves." I grabbed my stuff as i stomped out.

I sat in my car as i looked at comments. Most of them were about the members and the rest was about the music. I wasn't able to see any comments about me, but i smiled as i saw this comment.

"Kang Junhyuk is just so handsome he?" As i looked through the replies my smile died down. "SIKE, LOLOL. He's so ugly what the hell?? EKEKEK"  the same person wrote.

I kept looking through the replies. Person 1:"Right?? AHAHAHA. I still wonder why hes still in the group." Person 2:"He used to be so cute. Probably because of the amount of weight he gained, LOLOLOL" and it carried on.

I shut my phone as i teared up. "Did i gain that much weight?" In a broken voice, I started to drive on a cliff. First it was my members now it's our fans? Should i even call them fans? As my eyes were blurred, i wiped them with my sweater. I looked up to see the edge of the cliff, i thought. "am i about to die? It's probably gonna benefit our group with their top acting." I closed my eyes.

But then as i opened my eyes, i sat up quickly as my mother fell as she was startled. "Kang Junhyuk!" She pulled my ear "why would you startle your mother like that!?" I groaned in pain. "Ack! Mother!?" I looked around as she let go and i realized.


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