A Job In Hell

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[We begin the story in imp city, were we see Y/N Ryuu walking around the city streets with his pet raven Odin on top of his shoulder looking for a job after he moved into his new apartment last week]


Y/N:no Odin, we can't go home just yet, I still need to find a job


Y/N:why a job? I'll tell you why, because a job equals money and money can buy all the sorts of things for us, like food, pay bills, and make sure we don't die. after all it's not just me living there it's you and Oni, so I have three mouths to feed


Y/N:no, we can't just rely on my mom for money despite how much she has, this is a chance for me to be my own person and get away from...him


Y/N:Thanks for understanding, and I hope I find a job soon, its not like one is going to hit you in the face-

[as Y/N said this a flier hit his face causing Odin to remove it gently with his beak so that Y/N can see what smacked him]

Y/N:what the hell just smacked me?! *Odin hands him the flyer*huh? oh thanks

[Y/N then proceeds to read the fliers to realize that it is a help wanted ad for a job that is hiring, it read."come join I.M.P (Immediate Murder Professionals) where you are given a job to kill losers, instead of losers killing you, please join our amazing team and family. okay how was that? uh sir this flyer is speech to text and you haven't ended it, huh what? oh shit! WAIT NO DON'T TYPE THA-"]

Y/N:huh? an assassin job, well I'm no stranger to fighting or killing and we do need the money


Y/N:you're right Odin, I shouldn't throw away this chance, here. *gives Odin his keys* go to the apartment and wait for me there, who knows how long I'll be gone, and tell Oni to not eat any snacks I don't want her to spoil her dinner


[Odin holds the keys in his talons and flys off to Y/N's apartment leaving him by himself]

Y/N:alright Y/N you got this, go get that money!

[Y/N then jogs to the location to where the flyer said the job is, after awhile we see Y/N standing in front on the building where the I.M.P business is located in]

Y/N:alright Y/N you're here, now you have to dress to impress

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Y/N:alright Y/N you're here, now you have to dress to impress

[Y/N then makes an circle motion with his right index finger to change him from his casual clothing into something more professional]

[Y/N then makes an circle motion with his right index finger to change him from his casual clothing into something more professional]

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A Demons Scarred Sword (Helluva Boss x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now