Sick Day

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[We begin this chapter in Hell, more precisely Y/N's apartment, as the camera makes its way into Y/N's apartment we now enter Y/N's room in which we see an alarm turn from the time 8:59 AM to 9:00 AM, as the alarm starts to beep Y/N's hits the snooze button. Y/N now rises from his bed stretching his arms]

Y/N:*raspy* rise and shi-*coughs*

[Y/N then all of a sudden begins to cough as he coughs he spits out some phlegm into the air, but before it could it hit the floor Y/N's uses his magic to light it on fire and burn it]

Y/N:*clears throat* on my ancestors name, I'm sick, ah shit! *falls into bed* damn you Moxxie! I just had to save your ass!

[Y/N moves his body to the left side of his bed to reach the nightstand, he pulls out the drawer of the nightstand and pulls out a thermometer gun and points it to his forehead, as the thermometer beeped, Y/N tuned it around to see the display panel indicating that he has a temperature of 105]

Y/N:alright now this definitely settles it, I'm officially sick, damn it! now I have to call Blitzø and tell him I can't go to work, and after the shit he pulled I don't even want to talk him, but no choice now

[Y/N then summons his phone into his hand, goes into his contacts and calls Blitzø in which he is labeled Blitz🐴, a couple seconds later we transition to Blitz's apartment where he is eating breakfast with Loona]

Blitzø:*phone ringing*hmm?

[Blitzø with a mouth full of food pulls out his phone and notices that Y/N is calling him in which Y/N is labeled as Y/N🐉, Blitzø swallows his food and answers the call]


Y/N:hey Blitz its me

Blitzø:oh! uh hey Y/N whats up?

[Loona's ears perk up at the sound of Y/N's name, while we see Blitzø looking a bit uncomfortable because of yesterdays event of using Y/N as a prize during his and Verosika's demon duel]

Y/N:well I woke up sick this morning

Blitzø:oh thats a bummer

Y/N:yeah it is, anyways I called because I can't come into work so I need to use one of my sick days

Blitzø:well there's no need for that because work is cancelled today

Y/N:what? why?

Blitzø:turns out there was a roach infestation last night, and so the landlord closed the building today so that they can fumigate it

Y/N:huh, I see

Blitzø:but hey if your sick maybe we can all come by your place to help you feel better

Y/N:bye Blitzø

[Y/N hangs up the call leaving Blitzø a bit sad of not having a change to apologize]

Loona:who was that?

Blitzø:oh that was just Y/N calling that he was sick and I told him about the whole situation about the building

Loona:he's sick?

Blitzø:oh yeah, and I have never heard him sound worse, I think he caught a cold when he dived into the ocean to save Mox

Loona:huh, I see

[Loona then thinks for a moment about Y/N's situation until she gets an idea in her head]

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