Oak (I rlly wanna change his name)

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Name: Oak
Age: 17 (junior)
  Sex/gender: male, Demi-boy
  Sexual orientation: gay, demi-aroace(idk if that's the correct word I'm sorry)
Personality: introvert (like massive introvert), lost puppy, "fuck this I'm out", stern/firm(?), easily excited
• Will literally run away from people he doesn't know
• rides a skateboard and will only use that to get to places(makes someone else drive if he needs to go long distances)
• wears a mask so he doesn't have to do expressions(lucky shit)
• selective mutism, tattoo on his left forearm
• brushes his hair when he gets out of the shower and that's it
• has a weird habit of sticking his hand to a wall and standing/sitting there for over two hours
• feet are always cold and no one knows why
• stole all the red crayons he could find when he was little

Actual lore:
He doesn't have parents. Not in like a depressing way, like he literally just proofed out of nowhere in a forest. He's been alive for a few hundred years since then. He met Lukas — my friends' OC — a year or two after he joined high school out of boredom. Lukas started bringing Oak out of his shell a bit more and after a year Oak spoke his first word to Lukas — he cried and hugged Oak for an hour straight. In the present he hangs around Lukas as they go to school — him always doing the classwork before the class has even started — and rarely participating in school events.

 In the present he hangs around Lukas as they go to school — him always doing the classwork before the class has even started — and rarely participating in school events

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