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The laughter disappeared after a while but by the time it went silent you arrived in Daegu

' Where should we go?' he asked

' Well, I think we should catch up with your ex... ' you tried suggesting

He went quiet suddenly and looked around

' Sorry, I didn't mean to—'

' We should go that way first ' he pointed to the left side

' They should be at school right now and I didn't really remember where the school was ' he chuckled

' We can't just walk in, we'll get in trouble '

' Don't worry, we have an hour and thirty minutes, my cousin's have some spare uniforms before they graduated ' he assured me

Their house was close fortunately, he knocked on the door and his elder cousin's let us inside

There was a boy his age, Lee Heeseung and his older sister, Lee Haewon

She had a slightly shorter uniform for me while Beomgyu had perfect size

' I'll take you guys, since you're already running late' we went inside her car as she was trying to hurry

The gate was slowly closing and we quickly ran as fast as we could but we couldn't make it

The old teacher looked at Beomgyu, ' I swear I've seen you before! Just take your late marks, okay?'  luckily Heeseung had his timetable

Since there was a lot of traffic today, the teacher put it as authorised so we wouldn't get a detention

' I've never seen that woman in my life ' Beomgyu said to Heeseung

' You had her for detention once ' he laughed

' Where are we going?' you asked

' Maths, Beomgyu's favourite ' Heeseung said sarcastically

' Not funny ' Beomgyu pushed him to the side

' Just copy off my notes ' you said while looking at your phone

You three came in class and there was Beomgyu's ex, Lim Hwayoung meet eye contact with him

The teacher was a substitute so we were lucky enough not to be noticed

Hwayoung turned around and looked at me then Beomgyu

' How's your girlfriend?' she joked

' How's your popularity?' he scoffed back at her

' Look's like someone finally stood up for themselves '

' I just felt bad you'd get hurt that's all '

The two kept going back and forth until I spoke up

' Have you heard that dog's bark because they're scared rather than wanting to fight?' you met eye contact with her

The whole class overheard and jeered

' You're calling me a dog?!' she said with an annoyed look

' Potentially, you're like a chihuahua. Small but aggressive '

She got up and wanted to fight but Heeseung stood up to stop her

' Stop! You always think you'll right when you just cause trouble?!' he said in frustration

' Fine, she's not worth it anyway '

If Heeseung didn't step in, we would've gotten in trouble

Someone from your old school met eye contact with you

It was one of your male friends that you were close with and unfortunately came out of touch

' Minju? Is that really you?' he kept questioning me

He hugged you suddenly and the look on Heeseung's face was funny

' You know Jeongin? That's a new one' Heeseung was shocked, not upset

' Where did you go? I'm so sorry I wasn't able to tell you what happened—' his face was worried and I genuinely felt bad about him

' Stop hugging, the whole class is watching you ' Beomgyu interrupted

' Beomgyu?' he turned to the side and let go of me

He grabbed my wrist and left the class as his face was oddly furious

' Are you mad? What did he do to you?' I questioned him worrying about him

' Nothing, but if he really enjoyed your presence, wouldn't he text you? Or even visit you, pathetic '

' So you're jealous—'

' And you're delusional ' he argued back

Heeseung followed on eventually

' Beomgyu likes someone~' he teased

' No I don't, I swear I don't like Minju!' he hesitated

' I wasn't talking about Minju?' Heeseung said, then all eyes went to Beomgyu

' I wasn't talking about Minju?' Heeseung said, then all eyes went to Beomgyu

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lonely boy | CHOI BEOMGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now