Chapter 9. The Aftermath

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Potter Manor

Severa was rushing to the drawing room, her heart pounding with excitement. She couldn't wait to tell Euphemia that she had finally finished the dress.

She was so excited, the last time she could remember feeling this way was when she was just a girl, running up to her mother holding up the dress she had made for herself. The memory flooded her mind with warmth and nostalgia, reminding her of the passion for fashion that had fueled her dreams for so long.

As she neared the drawing room, Severa couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swelling within her. This dress was more than just a piece of fabric; it was a manifestation of her creativity, her talent, and her determination.

With a smile on her face and anticipation in her heart, Severa pushed open the doors to the drawing room, ready to present her masterpiece to Euphemia and bask in the praise she knew was sure to follow. Little did she know, the events that awaited her inside would change the course of her destiny forever.

"Euphemia?" Severa pushed open the doors and took a step inside, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on Lady Euphemia, who was seated on one of the couches, sipping tea and reading a letter. As soon as Euphemia heard Severa's voice, she set everything down and stood up.

"Severa!" Euphemia exclaimed, making her way over to her. "Oh, I have something amazing to show you!" She took one of Severa's hands and led her over to another couch.

"Well, I have something amazing to show you too," Severa replied, giving Euphemia a small smile. As the two women settled onto the couch, a house elf popped in and served them cookies and more tea before disappearing again.

Severa took a sip of her tea as Euphemia began to speak about the surprise. "So, there's a school for those who have a gift to make clothes and many other things," Euphemia explained, setting her tea down so she could focus on Severa.

"I sent in some of the sketches from your notebook," Euphemia continued, and Severa's eyes widened at the news. "I know I most likely should have talked to you first, but I got a letter back today!" With a smile, Euphemia handed Severa the letter she had been reading earlier.

Severa took the letter with trembling hands, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation. She quickly scanned its contents, her eyes widening with each word. It was an acceptance letter from the prestigious school Euphemia had mentioned, offering Severa a chance to further hone her skills and pursue her passion for fashion.

Tears welled up in Severa's eyes as she looked up at Euphemia, overwhelmed with gratitude and joy. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you so much."

Euphemia smiled warmly at Severa, her eyes sparkling with pride. "You deserve this, my dear. I can't wait to see all the amazing things you'll accomplish." As the two women shared a moment of celebration and excitement, Severa couldn't help but feel that her dreams were finally within reach.

"The school is in California," Euphemia announced, and Severa froze. California? She had never been anywhere other than Loudon. She had never even been to her home country since she was born! How the hell was she going to go to another country with no money, no friends, nothing? 

What the hell was she going to do?

As if Euphemia could sense her worry, she spoke up again. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to go with you to California." Euphemia got up and sat next to Severa. "I have some business connections there, and I can help arrange everything for your journey and stay. You won't be alone."

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