2.Will you accept me?

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"I want you to be my Girlfriend"

"What.The.Fuck?" l said as l stood up while slamming my hand on the table,shocked at his words while everyone turns around to look at our table.

"What are ya'll looking at? Go mind your own business!" Sunghoon yelled causing everyone to move their eyes from us.

"Listen.." Sunghoon said to me and held my hand, making me sit down.

"You just have to be my FAKE Girlfriend, not the real one" He said and l joined my eyebrows in confusion.

"And why would l do that?"

"Cause l want revenge"

"For whom?" l asked

"Sooha,my ex. That bitch played with me and then dumped me infront of everyone. " He said as he clenched his fists,anger visible in his eyes.

"Thats your problem,what can l do about it?" l asked flatly

"You just have to be my fake Girlfriend and make her jealous" He said

"Thats so damn childish" l said rolling my eyes while taking a sip of my drink.

"Its no-"

"Listen,Park Sunghoon. I dont have time for your stupid games. If you want a girlfriend, then go choose someone else and leave me fucking alone" l said sternly as l grab my books and left before he could utter a word.

Author's POV

Sunghoon walks up to his friends table with a poker face and sat with them. His friends exchanged glances to eachother being confused at his sudden silence ness and that poker face

"Whats wrong?" Jungwon asked and Sunghoon looked down.

"She rejected me " He said and his friends bursts out laughing.

"C'mon guys,its not that funny" Sunghoon whined like a kid and covers his face with his hands.

"I warned you" Jay said giggling

"She probably roasted you" Ni-ki said and sunghoon glared at him.

"Choose someone else, she is not gonna accept you" Sunno said.

"No, l wont give up" Sunghoon says and his friends looked at him, giving him an 'are you serious?' look.

"Do you even think she will accept you?" heeseung asks with a chuckle.

"Of course she will. No one can resist my charms" Sunghoon says with a proud face and dramatically flips hair while Ni-ki gave him a side eye.

"Well...good luck" Jake says.

Sunghoon's POV

I was now at the library, my eyes roamed around the room, looking for
someone familiar. My lips curved up to a smile when l spotted her sitting beside the window with a book placed on the table infront of her. I walked towards and sat across her.

"There you are!" l said and She looked up at me.

"Why are you here?" Wonyoung asked flatly and l chuckled.

"C'mon, Wony. Stop being so-"

"What did you just call me?" Wonyoung asked raising her eyebrows while l replied -


"You are not allowed to call me that" Wonyoung said with a glare.

"Of course l can" l said and and grabbed my bag to get something.


"Eat" I placed a packet of strawberry flavoured biscuits infront of her.

"Since you like these" l said with a grin
And she stared at the packet for some seconds then looked at me.

"Who told you that l like these?" Wonyoung asked and l smiled proudly.

"Hah l always knew-"

"I like the chocolate ones"

I froze on my spot while my smile disappeared. Shit.

"O-Oh.. Right.." l said and scratched the back of my neck being embarrassed.

"Are you here to waste my time?" She asked with a blank expression

"No....listen Wonyoung,l really need your help and-"

"Why dont you choose someone else?"

"Your the perfect one for this." l said looking straight into her eyes and she paused a bit.

She let out a sigh "l have a test coming up this week so please dont disturb me" she said and was about to get up but l made her sit down.

"Please Wonyoung " l pleaded with doe eyes, trying to make cute faces,hoping to win her heart but she looks disgusted instead.

"Please Wonyoung-"

"Fine, whats the plan?" She said while l smiled widely hearing her.

"OHMY- thank you so much!!!" l said while holding her hands.

"Okay,so the plan is...We have to pretend to be a happy couple and when Sooha sees it, she'll be mad and eventually crawl back to me and l'll dump her infront of everyone, just like how she did to me" l said and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"Do you think it'll work?" She asked

"Of course " l said and she lets out a frustrated sigh while covering her face with her hands.

"I cant believe l'm doing this"


Fake Girlfriend - Jangkku Where stories live. Discover now