episode 13

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Everyone was at dinning table..! The maid were serving the food suddenly one maid's hand slipped and spell some food on taehyung's hand & dress..!!

Maid: i-im so s-sorry sir ..! 

Mrs. Jeon : omg .!! What did you do idiot..!!!

Maid: I'm really sorry mam...it was an accident...!

Mrs. Jeon : are you stupid or what..!! Don't you've any fear to loose your Job..!!

Tae: it's okay Mrs. Jeon...don't scold her..! I'm okay..!

Mrs. Jeon : no taehyung you don't understand..! They need to be careful..it' must be hurt since it's hot right?;

Taehyung did get some burn in his hand since the food was hot but didn't wanna care this small matter bigger so he just deny .,!!

Jin: tae baby are you okay? Did your hand get burn ...!! Lemme see...

Tae: it's okay hyungie ...I'm finr ..I just need to change my dress..! It spelled all over my dress..!

Mrs. Jeon : then taehyung so upstairs..the maid will guide you to our guest room..!

Tae: but what about my dress.!

Namjoon: I guess jk's dress will do ..!

Mrs.jeon : but Jungkook will not allow it ..! He doesn't like to share his things..!

Joon: I think he will understand..we don't have any options..!

Tae: it's okay hyung...I will just wipe these food...I can re-wear it..!

Jin: tae baby it's okay...you don't have to think about that ...now go and Change..! And call Jungkook for us too...

Tae: o-okie... ( Taehyung notice Mrs. Jeon's was looking at him ..,)

Tae was upstairs..! The maid guide him..!! The maid show him the guest room and said

Maid: sir you can go and fresh up there..and wait I will bring you some dress from master..!

Tae: you don't have to call me sir, aunty ...drop the formality..,! We met after so long... Tell me How are you ...

Maria: tae baby I missed you so much..! It's been so long ..I never thought I would meet you again after everything happens..!

( Maria said with tears in her eyes.. maria was always a mother figure for Jungkook and when taekook was in relationship..tae sometimes come in jeon's Manson and had a really good bonding with her..she Knows how much they've loved each other..still didn't believe that taehyung cheated on Jungkook)

Tae: I didn't know that namjoon hyung is Jungkook's cousin...I would not have been here if I knew that .!

Maria: I still can't believe taehyung why did you cheat on Jungkook..! I know it's not true ..you can't do that . You love Jungkook right?

Tae: i-i don't wanna talk about that aunty..! Can we not talk about that please!

Maria: I know that I don't have any right to ask or I'm not in that place but I saw tae how Jungkook went crazy after you guys break up .. even Jungkook had that accident and you didn't showed up .!! Why tae

Tae: a-accident?!! Jungkook had a accident?! When ?

Taehyung was so shocked..! He didn't Know that Jungkook had any accident..! He felt so scared even think about something happened to Jungkook..!!

Maria: after Jungkook was caming back  from that hotel ,  he was so lost that he had a terrible accident ..! He was in coma 6 days..!

Tae: what .!!

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