episode 16

176 6 1

Suga was thinking who could be this person who sent him this note .! About Jungkook and taehyung past..!?

But I always felt like something was wrong with the fact taehyung cheated on Jungkook..! If he would cheat on him then why he's single?! Why does it seems like taehyung love Jungkook
Suga thought in his mind...!

Suga: ahhh..!!! Why it has to be me..! Should I take help about this matter from Jimin...! He might help me since he is taehyung's best friend..!

So suga dialed jimin's number..! Jimin pick up the call ..!

Jimin: hello, baby

Suga: em my sweetheart,

A/N: yes you guess right .!! Jimin and suga are in a relationship .! But it's secret..!

Jimin: what happened suga, why did you call? Anything important..?! It almost 2 p.m

Suga: yes .. I've something important to talk..!

Then you told everything..! Jimin was confused..! But also happy...he knew it...his tae could never cheat...!

Jm : I knew it suga..! My tae can never be a cheater..! I know something must be happened to lead him in that..! But what we're gonna do now?;

Suga: well I already planed for it..! But firstly you've to make sure that taehyung really innocent or not..!! I mean you've to talk with taehyung about him and Jungkook..!

Jm: that's hard hyung, he always avoid that topic..!

Suga: you've to do it..! You will talk with him about that cheating matter and if your think something is fishy you'll tell me .!!

Jm: okay I will ..! Hyung can I ask you something?;

Suga: ok

Jm: why you're willing to help them?

Suga pause for a moment..! Honestly he's doing this for Jungkook...he has see how Jungkook was broke after their break up ..! Jungkook literally love taehyung more than anything... He wants to see Jungkook happy..! He want their old Jungkook back..! And for taehyung...! That boy always hold a tiny place in his heart..! Suga might be cold but he's not emotionless..! He doesn't know why taehyung doesn't seems bad ..! 

Suga: I'm doing all this for my best friend..!

Jm: okie okie I understand... Now good night... Love you...muahhhhh

Suga: love you too..!!

Suga cut the call...!!!! Now he has to do everything..!  So he thought first Jimin will talk to taehyung then he will talk to Jungkook...! He need to know the n
Both side of the story to make sure there's no misunderstanding..!

Next day~~~

Jungkook woke up with a heavy headache..!!

Jk : Fvck this pain..!!! Ahh..! Wait where am I..!!

Jk : oh it's my room...suga hyung must took me here..!

Suddenly Jungkook remember everything from yesterday..! How taehyung was trying to pushing him towards other person..! Jungkook thought taehyung might want him back.. but now Jungkook is sure taehyung never loved him.. he doesn't have any feeling towards Jungkook..! He felt hurt...! Once again he left heart broken..!

Jk : but from now on I will never meet you Kim taehyung..!

Jungkook get up from bed and get ready, then he went for his office..!

Other side ~~

After finishing breakfast Taehyung was watching tv suddenly Jimin came..!

Jm: hi taetae..!

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