Chapter -5

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Taehyung:"It's still paining??" He asked him who innocently looked at him and didn't know how to react.

Taehyung:" did you put any ointment or cream?" He asked him who shook his head as no.

Jungkook didn't understand his young master somethings behaving harshly and other times carried for him.

Taehyung:" Come I will put some ointment" he called him to his room younger blinked his eyes.

Jungkook:" y-oung m-aster it's okay it will be gone soon" he said with a low voice but Taehyung pulling him by another hand and taking him to his room.

Taehyung opened his room and searching first aid kit jungkook standing inside and watching him with doe eyes without blinking then Taehyung found out on the closest sited on the bed called younger.

Taehyung opened his room and searching first aid kit jungkook standing inside and watching him with doe eyes without blinking then Taehyung found out on the closest sited on the bed called younger

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Taehyung:" Come and site I will apply cream" he said to him.

Jungkook:" h-up y-oung m-aster n-" cut off by taehyung.

Taehyung:" I said and come and sit" he said with cold voice Jungkook rushed immediately to the bed and sited silently.

Taehyung take younger hand and applied the cream on the reddish mark around his Little waist jungkook hissed and closed his eyes due to sudden burning sensation on skin.

Then taehyung left his hand and take his bag opened zip took big size of dark chocolate box and gave to him.

Taehyung:" Take it..." He said to him who amused it's not a packet it's box seems like very expensive jungkook hesitantly looking at him.

Jungkook:" Y-oung m-aster this is for me?" he asked in an amused voice and thought couldn't believe.

Taehyung:" Yes I bought for you and don't ever ask others if you want and ask me I will buy for you" he said with cold and deep.

Jungkook gulped and nervously smiled at him and said.

Jungkook:" t-hanks young master I only ask the nanny to buy it but now onwards I will ask you" he said showing his full teeth to him who cooed at him and chuckled.

Jungkook observing the box and opening without care of Taehyung gaze and his mouth wide cause of size of the pieces and also many pieces are inside the box his hands about to take one but Taehyung stopped him and asked

Jungkook observing the box and opening without care of Taehyung gaze and his mouth wide cause of size of the pieces and also many pieces are inside the box his hands about to take one but Taehyung stopped him and asked

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