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All member was sitting in dinning area
waiting for suga .

jin: jungkook go and wake yoongi .

jungkook:(innerly happy ) ok hyung .

jungkook : hyung open the door .

jungkook knock at the door as all member know suga sleep always while his room door lock from inside .

Suga open the door without caring just was dig in his mobile .

jungkook see his pouty face immediately he turn suga around who was again going to his bed

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jungkook see his pouty face immediately he turn suga around who was again going to his bed .

suga :ah....

jungkook capture his lips ..

suga eye widen .

Jungkook kept moving his lips after sometime suga also kiss him back softly .

jungkook : baby why u dont come downstairs (his hand was going in suga shirt crassing his waist softly )

suga :(looking down playing with jungkook shirt button ) i was waiting for u .

jungkook:aww really (peak his cheek ).

suga:(blush) leave me .

They went donstairs .

jin told them that they are going as they done their breakfast ...

Suga was about to eat but jk hold his spoon .

suga :jungkook .

Jk :leme feed my baby .

suga :u can see i have two hands i can eat by myself .(showing his hand )

jk :ok ( sadly )

Jk start eating his breakfast .

Suga notice jungkook sad face .

suga :bunny .

jk ignore him .

suga get up from his seat and sit on jk laps jk no bother he kept doing his work (eating) .

suga hug jk neck sat in straddling position .

Jk :get down .

suga :bunny .

jk ,:i said get down (stern ) .

Tears made their way in suga eye.

Suga :yoonie sorry please bunny i will not behave rude next time ....(tears rolled )

jk :shush its ok baby (crassing his back to make him clam ) .

suga:u forgive yoonie .

jk :yes my kitten but on one condition .

suga :(innocent ) ???

jk: open your shirt .

suga :waee .

jk :u dont to be forgiven .

suga pout and open his shirt button .

jk see his pink nipple with lust like a hyungry baby .

suga :dont bite ..its hurt .

jk :baby i will try not to ...

jk take suga right nipple in his mouth and start sucking ....suga moaned .

suga :ahh ....(hold jk hair pulling him more closer in his fluffy chest ) .

Suddenly jk bite suga nipple .

In pain suga hold jk hair more tightly .

Jk at the end give a peak on ..

jk then attached his lips with suga .

After this .....

suga feel burning sensation on his nipple as his bunny bite it .

jk :is it burning too much .

suga close his eye to feel relax but again he felt a burn sensation life after few second ..

jk pick suga along with himself and take a cream from drawer again sit on seat with suga on lap sideway .

jk softly apply cream on his nipple ..

suga hissed .

jk :its done ..

suga :u said u will not bite .

jk :hehe sorry .lets eat otherwise hobie hyung gonna punish us .

they did there breakfast and ran to hybe ...

Luckily they reach hybe .


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