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I 🤣think i cannot have break when i get free i write ff ...so im updating as i dont want my story get delete .

so here start .

Jk pinch his butt .

suga yelled .

suga :AHh..

jk :i will see how u will not eat medicine .

suga :my butt is hurting (sob)

jk :(hug him ) aww my lily kitten .

jk down his trosure .

jk:(in mind :i want to fuck him he is looking so pink ) oh myii .

jk grab a medicine tube .

he took out medicine and gently apply on suga butt .

suga clingy on jk hold jk shirt tightly .

jk :burning ?

suga nod kept his head on jk shoulder .

jk kiss his neck on which suga shake a little .

jk done apply .

suga feeling cold on his butt he closed his eye .

jk pick suga and they went in kitchen .

jk grab a ramen and made for suga .

he made yoongi sit on counter but suga was not ready to sit on .

jk kept picking him .

jk boiled water and open ramen packet and he pour hot water in bowl put the ramen in and waited for a while .

Jk roamed here and there .

suga waa about to sleep again but jk ....

jk: kitten not gonna sleep .

Suga whined .

jk :kitten u have to eat first then take medicine.

suga make a pout face at the name of medicine .

jk give a peak on his lips .

jk check the ranen drained out water .

he add sauce but not too much as suga cannot bear too much he put half sauce .

suga was whining constantly feel an itching on his butt due to medicine .

jk :hyung stop whining im doing work .

suga cried out .

jk rub his back .

jk:what happened suddenly .?

suga:itching .

jk :aww this will end after a while .

then jk made him eat medicine .

After that they went in suga room .

Phone ring .

jk pick his mobile and see it was jin .

jk cover suga with duvet as he was laying on his stomach with half naked .

jk attend the video call .

jin: hyyy how are u????

jk: fine hyung ..

jin :where is the cat ?

jk look towards suga ...suga sign him he dont wanna talk now .

jk:he is sleeping hyung .

jin :ohk .

my fragile baby ♡ (under edit ) Where stories live. Discover now