4. Slice open my heart, let it bleed into black.

19 0 5

Tw's: Panic attack, self harm, blood, unintentional self isolation, bad traumatic flashbacks (that include child neglect and locking someone in a room), brief gagging

Quackity and Wilbur ended up walking home in silence, holding hands and looking at the nature. It made the duck happy, just tranquility for once.

As soon as they arrived home Wilbur got to setting up a temporary bed while Quackity said hello to the others and watched Tommy draw. Philza was gone working and mining most days, but he made sure to always bring things back when he came home.

"What's that?" He asked Tommy, peering over at his drawing. It was surprisingly good for a teen, a vibrant cartoony style filling the page.

Tommy looked up. "Oh! It's my oc, he's a demon, see?" He held it up, red horns and tail visible from the drawing. The character had golden curly hair like Tommy, which didn't come as a surprise. The character's outfit was consisted of a white tee with green sleeves, a blue wool cardigan, and tan cargo shorts.

Quackity grinned. "Ayyy he looks cool. Ever thought about cosplaying?" He nudged the teen's shoulder playfully. Las Nevadas had a fair amount of nerdy stores for it's type of city, maybe he'd have to bring Tommy one day.

Tommy's eyes lit up. "Oooh! I would love that! I named him Theseus, Thes for short!"

Quackity loved seeing the blonde happy, he had this fun, silly energy to him that just made even him smile.

Wilbur came in, face beaded with sweat. "Thank god that's done, jeez that thing is heavy." He breathed out a sigh and Quackity snickered.

"L honestly." He smirked, Wilbur just mock-glared at him.

Quackity looked between Tommy and Wilbur. "Do you guys wanna play something?" He asked, still smiling a bit. "Like, I dunno, hide and seek?"

Tommy snickered. "I'm not 5. But for old times sake, sure. Wil?" The blonde nodded and set his pencil down, looking at Wilbur.

"Yeah, sure. I'll seek." The brit wiped his forehead and leaned against one of the walls. "One.. two.." He closed his eyes as he began counting. Tommy laughed and ran off.

Quackity raced to the basement, sprinting into the guest room and slamming the door quickly, giggling. 

He hated to admit it, considering he was a grown man, but he still kinda enjoyed the game. Neither of his parents had bothered when he was younger, well, he didn't actually remember them. His dad died when he was 3 and close to that time he was taken away from his mom by child services. What for, he wasn't told. The authorities refused to tell him.

He waited for Wil to find him. And waited, and waited.. Eventually he stood and went over to the door.


Locked. He forgot Phil's house was old, and some of the doors locked upon closing. The basement office being one of them. Phil had the key somewhere upstairs, he had been told once so this wouldn't happen.

He sat down, taking deep breaths to remain calm. Wil would find him eventually. It would be okay.

He sat in there for a good few minutes, distracting himself by picking at his feathers, clicking a pen over and over again, so on so on. That was until he saw the figure in the corner of his vision.

It would not be okay.

His breath caught in his throat, backing himself into a wall. He turned when he hit it, everything felt so loud. Everything felt so terrifying. He felt his breath speed up after a moment in uncomfortable, loud silence.

"How did love become so violent.." A Quackity auWhere stories live. Discover now