Chapter 41: Forget About the Rain

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🌧️Forget About the Rain🌧️

TW: SA, SH, and other materials that may not be appropriate for younger audiences and/or may trigger uneasiness for some audiences.


I stood up from the couch, and not even glanced, I was out of Mom's sight. I went upstairs following the imaginary footprints that led to my room. I gently turned the knob and nudged the door. I tiptoed inside and tried to close the door without any sound that may inconvenience the thought of my mother about vanishing into thin air. I will never want her to see me like this; I don't want her to worry more than she worried for me last time.

Confused, my head was making noises, amplifying the sound of silence; ringing in my ear through my mind. An indescribable feeling I felt. It seemed to put me in disorientation as if I was starting to thaw and my brain was melting. Two tears after another. I locked the door and collapsed on the bed. 

I'm sorry, I wasn't ready, I thought to myself and kept crying.

I don't know what to believe, I thought next.

My eyes were shut, I was weak, I was... "I don't know! I don't remember anything!" I shouted the thought that followed.

Siren, sirens, make it stop!

I rushed to the bathroom without any goal in mind. I didn't know why I was in the bathroom but my mind kept telling me to search for something that would stop the ache on my head. But then I remembered the pills I used to take until I stopped a month ago.

I quickly checked the cabinets and the places I remembered. My hands were frantically panicking and trembling every time they held on empty bottles lying on the shelves. The last bottle had a green cap that seemed familiar. I read the label and it only said funny things, but I'm sure these are the pills I used to take, medicating my repressed memories. I cannot remember the details but I am sure these limit the pain in the head. 

I pulled the cap off, not noticing that it was supposed to be opened by turning. There were still two, three, four pills left. My panicking hands couldn't even shake the pills off the bottle. My breathing changed as, too, my movements. Simple movements like blinking, I cannot even control. I was afraid that I would not be able to control my heartbeat the next moment. So, I raised the bottle and aligned it toward my mouth. Opening widely, I felt two, three, or four pills slide down my throat. 

The moment I shut my eyes, the second all went pitch black.


It was like the tip of a ball-point sliding down a crusty paper—I wrote another chapter of my life. And it was surprisingly the climactic part of my life. My mind couldn't comprehend the joy accumulating inside my chest. Twelve pairs of bones around my core couldn't contain such feelings I now knew called love. It beats every time I think of the time I was with Berhan.

He likes me, I like him.

It was frenetically thinking of it every time Earth knew how much. It made me smile at random places at random times. Sometimes it made me look like I was having a psychosis, awkward when my parents saw me.

Berhan and I chatted with each other all day long like he was the only person I was in contact with. It has been days during the summer and I'm not a meter bored from calling him every day and having to go out every day, or so not every day, but every other day.

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