Death By Chocolate

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The kids file miserably into the front entrance of the shop where Mrs. Scrubitt is waiting.

"My my, what a lot of long faces we have this morning. It's almost like you lot had a sneaky plan to wriggle out of your contracts... which spectacularly backfired." Mrs. Scrubitt said and they all exchange looks, realising she's onto them.

"Oh I know everything that goes on in my Wash House. Mr. Slugworth doesn't think nasty little urchins like you should be out on the streets, So he paid me this money to keep you all down in the Wash House for good. And I'm only too happy to oblige." Mrs. Scrubitt explains.

Wolf gets angry and jumps on her but was grabbed by Mr bleacher, who grabs the other kids.

"Look at them go, Lord Bleachowitz." Mrs. Scrubitt said, laughing.

"Lord Bleachowitz? You don't still think he's a lord, do you?" Snake asked and Mrs. Scrubitt's smile drops.

"We made it up, you stupid old hag!" Wolf sneered.

"They're lying! I am a lord!" Bleacher said to Mrs. Scrubitt, as her face contorts as she goes from horror to embarrassment and finally rage.

"Right! That's it! You're all going in the coop." She said, grabbing the kids dragging them out past Bleacher, who is just as stunned by the revelation.

"And take them dungarees off, you... you peasant!" Mrs. Scrubitt yelled at Bleacher in tears.

"But... Puffy-wuff! I wuv oo." Bleacher said, reaching out for her.

They were all thrown into the pigeon coop and Mrs. Scrubitt slams the door behind them.

The kids panicked, wolf begin to tear up Then he shivers and hugs himself for warmth.

Suddenly, a familiar face pops into view at a hatch.

"Hello, kids" Willy greeted, smiling at them.

"Willy!" The kids exclaimed.

"I thought you left!" Wolf said.

"I did. Slugworth promised you guys a better life... but he didn't exactly keep his word. So I came back!" Willy said.

They pop their head out the hatch to see Willy has roped four ladders together.

"Is that safe?" Snake asked Willy, looking at the four ladders roped together.

"Probably not." Willy replied, cheerfully.

"Slugworth wants to locked us up forever." Wolf revealed.

"Well of course he does." Willy said, getting a screwdriver out of his cane and starts dismantling the coop from the outside.

"Why? What's he got against us?" Wolf asked.

"I don't know, wolf, not for sure. All I know for certain is you won't be safe until he's behind bars." Willy replied.

"And how exactly is that supposed to happen?" Snake asked.

"Shark! You said the Cartel keep a record of all their dirty deeds..." Willy said.

"In the greed ledger." Shark said. "Or so if I remember"

"So if we could get ahold of that we could prove they pay Scrubitt and Bleacher to poison our chocolate. They'd all go to jail and you guys would be free." Willy said, excitedly.

"Yes, but may I remind you they keep that ledger in a vault..." shark begins.

"Guarded by a corrupt cleric." Webs said.

"And five hundred chocoholic monks." Piranha said.

"That's all true. But I went for a long cold swim this morning. Cold water's very good for the brain. Stimulates the neural pathways. And after just four miles I figured out how an ingenious son of a criminal, an son of  anaccountant, a baby tarantula, a piranha and a son of a musician those skills and pull off the heist of the century." Willy explains.

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