Embarrassment rate:10
Once I was swimming with my friend in a public pool, I was spending the night with her and her mom took us to the public pool. It was family night so there were a lot of people. When you got there they handed you a ticket and if they called out your number on the ticket you got a prize, that's why so many people were there. I had just went into the changing room/bathroom to put on my two piece swimsuit, when I came out my friend was standing infront of me and made a hand motion I didn't understand, after saying what about four or five times she pulls my top down. It turns out my top was up a bit too high and it was showing half of my boob.A/N Of course my name isn't ladybug but i'm not using my real name. Thank you for reading this by the way. Comment a title and the best title will be put up, I will also put your name in the story. Remember message me embarrassing moments or comment them so i can update more.embarrassing moments.