Page/chapter 3 I'm back!

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(3:00 pm in the Soviet union's office)

Soviet union:hehe looks who's just giving up uh?

Britian:hm...this was unexpected

Soviet union:Of course it is. I'm unpredictable

The Soviet union continues making out with britain without a care in the world and Britain couldn't do anything about it then just let the Soviet union do this to him and just hope for the best that the Soviet union didn't do anything else to him

Soviet union:hm~ I quiet type huh? Well that's going to change later I'll make you scream my name

Britian:W-wait! What!?

Britian was completely shocked by what Soviet union said about he'll make him scream his name does mean he's going to do the deed with him later?

Soviet union:hahaha oh don't be surprised dear you'll enjoy it very well hehe

Britian:No I will not!?

Soviet union: we'll see hehe buts let's talk about his outfit of yours wrist ruffles interesting sense of style but it's fits you~

Britian:uhm well thanks but don't think we're on good terms right now...

Soviet union:hehe alright then

(Btw this what britain is wearing)

(Btw this what britain is wearing)

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(I found it on Pinterest)

Soviet union:and plus it makes you even more cute hehe

Britian:hm I don't know how to respond to that

Soviet union:haha no need dear

Soviet union undones his belt of his coat and places it on the table
(Another example of Soviet union's outfit)

Soviet union undones his belt of his coat and places it on the table (Another example of Soviet union's outfit)

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(Ok hehe)

Soviet union process to take his coat off and lean closer to britain to untied the ropes

Soviet union: don't think you can escape dear britain After I untied you if you try to hit him it will do no damage to me alright


After the Soviet union untied britain he picked britain up and Britain's legs were on the Soviet's waist as he was pushed to the wall and Soviet union process to make out with britain and britain just gave in and seeing no escaping him and just kissed him back

Meanwhile, America was trying to find another way into building but didn't see any so he headed back to base with the others and discussed how they can save britain but after the end of the day the Soviet union took britain back home with him

Soviet union: I'll cook for us don't try to escape there's cameras everywhere


Britain was starting to warm up to the Soviet union even though he's a communist and enemy of the capitalist but damn britain was really starting to feel something for this Russian man, The Soviet union was in  the kitchen cooking something for them to eat and since it was the winter it was probably something warm or a hot dish either way it's still gonna keep them warm and Britain walks around the living room and finds a mirror and looks into it and See's the bite marks that Soviet union left on his neck earlier in the communist academy building he sighs and continues to walk around

Soviet union:hey britain come here foods ready

Britian:... I'm coming

Britain came to the dining room and sat down in front of the Soviet union and slowly started eating and followed the Soviet union to eat after the meal britain was amazed by how good it was.

Britian:hey I might say this is good to be honest

Soviet union: thanks I'm good at cooking and glad you liked it britain


After the meal britain was in the living room with the Soviet union reading a newspaper and Britain saw a small family picture he wanted to ask the Soviet union but didn't just mind his own business after a little bit the Soviet union started drinking vodka (yeah a stereotype deal with it) britain looked at him with curiosity since he never tasted vodka before

Soviet want some?

Britian:! Oh uhm sure I guess?

The Soviet Union handed Britain a shot of vodka and Britain drank it very quickly

Britian:oh that's really good

Soviet union:hehe I thought you would like it hahaha

The Soviet union laughed and eventually they got drunk especially the Soviet union while britain was just a little bit drunk

Soviet union:haha comrade hic come here

Britian:hm? What is it my head is killing me

The Soviet union pulled britain into a kiss and slowly turned to making out on the couch while making out the Soviet Union take Britain's shirt off and throwing it to the side and Britain was losing the Soviet union's tie and slowly showing his bare chest

(End of the chapter I know worst way to end a chapter but my hands are killing me bro bye ) (Words 778)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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