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Ahyeon pov
Here we are at our own own rooms after hours of practice, we all were so tired, so we decided to take a break and meet at the dance practice room again at 7pm, I was on my bed with my phone on my hand texting someone, while Chiquita was in the shower, after 15 minutes she came out wearing her pajamas"why are you wearing your pajamas?"I ask her, she looks down at me and said"ah, I'll just change again I don't wanna sleep on my bed with my good clothes on"I nod and she climb up her bed and touch her phone, after hours of being on the phone ruka unnie came to the room and said"let's go time to practice"I nodded and got up"Chiquita?"I called but no answer I climb up and saw that she was asleep, I smile at the view but i know it was not time to stare at her like this, so i shake her trying to wake her up"chiki wake up will be late for practice"I said while shaking her, she open her eyes and sit while rubbing her eyes"change I'll wait for you outside"I says as I climb down and went out, after a few minutes I heard the doorknob unlocking than Chiquita came out, and we both went to the practice room where we find all of them standing, I guess they were waiting for us"come stand in line you both"ruka unnie told us and we nod than went to stand at the empty space between rora and pharita unnie, we started the practice and it was exhausting I was so tired I didn't get a blink of sleep like the others did(they told me), so after we were taking a break just sitting I went to ruka unnie to told her that I'll be at my room to take a quick 30 minutes nap, and she happily agree"next time don't sleep too late ok?"she says and i nod than went to our dorm, to sleep.

After 30 minutes

Chiquita pov
I didn't saw ahyeon unnie while we were taking a break so i went to ruka unnie and ask her where ahyeon unnie was"oh she's at you both room, she said she was tired so she is taking a quick 30 minutes break"she replies and i just nod and went back to pharita unnie, than i rest my head on shoulder, but the shirt she was wearing was bit, you know, kind of so smooth so my head slowly fell and i was near her lap, her hand was on my shoulder, than to my shoulder I look up and she look down than we both smile at each other, well, bad timing I guess I look at the door and saw ahyeon unnie glaring at us, I gulp hard I sit up straight but pharita unnies hand was still on my shoulder, it would be rude to just tell her to move her hand out of nowhere so i just let it be, ahyeon unnie walk away to ruka unnie and i just sigh.

Ahyeon pov
What the hell did I just saw?!!, huh, she wants to play than let's play, I went to ruka unnie and for awhile while we were practicing or taking a break I started being all touchy and clingy, well, I'm thankful that ruka unnie is not that type of person who would scold or get annoyed by this kind of things, and she knows what I'm doing so she started being touchy too, we both enjoyed our time i guess

"Hey, chiki,what's with the mood?" Rora ask the sulky Chiquita

"Nothing" Replies Chiquita coldly

"Hey is it just me Or does ruyeon look so touchy to day" Rora whisper but i still heard her

"Huh, whatever" I saw Chiquita rool her eyes as she gets up and went out, slamming the door behind her

"What's with that girl she's really sulky today" Pharita unnie said

3rd person pov
Chiquita went to her bed and cover herself with the blanket, from head to toe,"is she really trying to make me jealous and mad at the same time, is she playing than I'll join, let's make her jealous than ever"Chiquita said to herself as she smirk and got up than went to the others who were still in the practice room, Chiquita went to rora and whisper something near her ear, and by the look of roras face it's a bad idea, rora nod her head, and the whole practice period, Chiquita and rora were touchier than ever, one time the others found Chiquita kiss rora at the cheek, and rora also returning it, and this made ahyeons blood boil, she was mad than ever, so than she decided to talk to Chiquita when they were having a break, but plan failed if I say, rora ask Chiquita to go to the company convenience store with and Chiquita happily agreed with her, ahyeon sigh and went back to sit at the seat"what's with the mood ahyeon?"pharita ask her but no answers"is it Chiquita?"ask pharita again and this time ahyeon nod her head slowly"what happen did you both had a fight or something?"ask haram who was laying down at the floor just about 4 inch away from them "No, but" Ahyeon sighs again"well yeon, tell us the matter maybe we can help?"Says asa who was beside pharita and ruka beside her"I got jealous, and i wanted revenge so i tried to make her jealous, but it jump back at me"says ahyeon "well the reason for you to get jealous?" Ask ruka

"When I came back I saw, chiki and pharita unnie" Says ahyeon, but the last part between her breath

"Oh, yeon that's nothing" Says pharita after she chuckle

"We were just resting, and Chiquita just rest her head on my shoulder but my clothes were a little slipy ones so yeah that's the reason or position was like that, and i put my hand on her arm to guide her" Says pahrita to ahyeon ensuring her that it was nothing and just something else but not romantic things

"When they come back try and talk to her" Says ruka

"But!, not only she's trying to make me jealous, she is also ignoring me!" Ahyeon said with frustration, leaning aggressively at the back and putting her both hands on her head

"Yeon, just try again" Says asa

"Ahyeon, just try again when she comes back, I try and take rora away from her" Says haram while patting ahyeons knee

Ahyeon sigh and nodded, than just after 3 minutes the both came back and just as said, haram went to rora, seperate her from Chiquita and wink at ahyeon, ahyeon sigh, got up and went to Chiquita "Chiquita?" Calls ahyeon but Chiquita doesn't answer nor look at her"can we talk?"ahyeon ask but still nothing"pls Chiquita"ahyeon trys again with eyes close, and she could hear Chiquita sigh, she opens her eyes and found Chiquita slowly looking up at her, ahyeon offer her hand but Chiquita got up and went out, ahyeon sigh than follow her out

"Whatever you want to say say it fast"Chiquita says with her arm cross

" Look Chiquita I'm sorry, ok, I just got jealous"ahyeon says

"Jealous?, well I know what you mean, but was it necessary to do that?"Chiquita says with her eyebrows raise at the end

" I know I know shouldn't have, but-"

"I know, ahyeon unnie, I forgive you, but i should be the one to ask forgiveness"

"No need I shouldn't have done that, I was too jealous"

"Unnie, let's not fight or get jealous again shall we?"

"For sure, if any problem will discuss it right away" Ahyeon says sticking her pinky finger out, Chiquita smiles and lock it, they both went back and the others were happy for them, and so than they continue the practice

The End
(Cause I'm lazy)

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