3.My secret admire is my..... best friend?

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Chiquita pov

I was walking towards my locker when, suddenly my best friend, who is also my sweet sweet unnie, jump in front of me making me scared and almost made me flew away from their "Yah" I hit her chest"I almost flew away"but she just laugh"Sorry, now let's go"Than we walk towards my locker, when we got their, I open my locker to see, a bouquet of yellow roses with a note on it, which says

'To the girl that i love the most'

I was confuse, who could it be, than when I took my gaze down, it wrote, your secret admire I had a freaking secret admire!!!Than i could feel someone peeking from my shoulder, it was ahyeon unnie, she look at the letter seriously, than look at me with a grin"Oh my, my dear canny, have a secret admire"She says as she pinch my cheek, I shooze her hand away and roll my eyes but she just laugh"Ok fine, I'm sorry, but who do you think could it be?" Ahyeon unnie says as she took the letter from my hand and look at it seriously,like shes trying to know whose handwriting it is "Uh, huh!, got it, it must be Jay!"She says, and i look at her in shocked, j-jay, h-hes m-my, crush"Jay, n-no way"I says with a blush, and I know ahyeon saw my blush, because I could see her teasing smile"Ohh, I could see you blushing their chiki-chiki"I roll my eyes at her"Yeah whatever, I'm going now to my class"I says as I went away from their, with a blush, was it really Jay that had wrote the letter for me?, gosh I hope so, he's my long long crush, but I have never talk to him much, only when we are partners at some projects,he's really not a genius but he's just so handsome and he's also a basketball player, gosh I could die with just even thinking about him,I was so lost in thoughts of him that I didn't even notice I bump into someone, it was rora, she looks at me and smile"hi chiki"she says and step back a little "hi unnie, where's your girlfriend today?" I ask her who sigh"well, we had an argument so yeah"she says with a sad smile, and I gave her a sad look"are you okay?"I ask her and she nods"yeah I'm fine, sure will be"she says and was about to go but I held her hand to stop her"wait, if you want you can, you know, talk to me about it, I actually want to know why you guys fought, you never fight"I says and ask her with puppy eyes, I know it's not the best to bring up my puppy eyes, but she wouldn't talk to me about it if I don't ask her like this, she looks like she's thinking for awhile than nod, I happily smile and we both went at the garden and sit their, she than told me everything about how it, I look at her with sad eyes,I could see that tears started to form at her eyes, so I just hug her, I had never seen her fight with asa unnie before, it's their first ever fight which was very awful if I say,I just pat her back and I could feel that her years started to fall, and soon she just sob on my kamis,we stayed liked that for a few minutes and later on she calm down and we broke the hug"are you okay now?"I ask her and she just nod, I sigh than I suddenly saw someone from a distance, it was asa unnie, I could feel a sudden anger when I saw her, so I walk towards her angrily,"what the hell did you do to rora unnie?"i ask her angrily, she looked down looking like she was guilty, I thought of it and being angry at her like this won't solve their problem, they had to talk this out, so I took a deep breath and soften my voice"unnie, you should go and have a talk with her, pls, it's my first time seeing you both have a fight, and it's a very awful fight unnie, I want this to be the first and last so go talk to her"I tell her with a sweet and soft smile, she look at me and gave me back the smile, she look over at rora unnie and wall towards her, while I just stare at them and later on went away from their

While iw as just walking, I again!, yes again, bump into someone, god why do I keep on bumping at someone today,but when I felt their chest it was not a girls chest, it was a boy and it was hard, the boy look down at me, while I look up, and it was freaking Jay!, oh my goodness, he was so handsome, he's sparkly eyes and his lips, oh my god, I think I was just staring at him, because I heard him calling me"umm, chiquita?"he calls me and I got back to my sense, I step back with a blush and a small smile"u-umm, sorry"I apologize to him,than I heard a soft chuckle"it's ok, I was also not looking anyway"he says and gave me then sweetest smile, oh my god that smile, he than suddenly pat my head before walking away, I blushed so hard that I almost looked like a fresh tomato, than I felt someones presence beside me, I gaze to my side to see ahyeon unnie"I saw what happen"she says as she wiggle her eyebrows and gave me a mischievous grin, oh gosh"yeah, whatever"I says as I walk away, and she followed me"oh~, canny is blushing"she sang, yeah she literally sang, oh my,I hate her so much of her teasing me, than I heard someone call my name, I turn back to see Jay running towards me and ahyeon unnie, tha  he stop right in front of me"umm, chiquita here"he than gave me a ticket, to basketball "I would like you to come and see me play, I think I'll do way more better if your their" He says with a sweet smile and suddenly he kiss my on the forehead and ran away while waving at us, oh.my.god!!, did he just kiss me!, I touch my forehead where he kiss, oh my, this must be dream"unnie, it's a dream right?"I ask ahyeon unnie, who was beside me, and I saw her teasing mischievous grin on her face, and by that I know it wasn't a dream at all"ok stop with the grin"I shout at her, I look at my watch to see that it was almost time for my next class, so I rush towards my first class leaving ahyeon unnie behind

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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