Phoebe Fenwick-Meadows-Potter At The Potters Home.

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One of Lily and James's school friends was Emmaline Vance, who knew of their whereabouts because while she was not the secret keeper, she had been sent secret letters from the Potters and was one of their most trusted friends.

Emmaline sent them a letter explaining the death of Benjy Fenwick and Dorcas Meadows, leaving their young baby an orphan. Lily and James responded almost immediately and told her to bring baby phoebe to Godricks hollow. She'd get James to remove the fidelius charm until they arrived. That they'd take care of the baby until Remus came back from his secret mission on November 20th.

Little did they know, that was so never to be. And Phoebe had to stay with Joule and Snape until November the 20th once Lily and James lost their lives October 31st.

So, James removes the fidelius charm once they find out Emmaline is about thirty seconds away from Godricks hollow.  Emmaline runs into view of Godricks Hollow, carrying baby Phoebe.

James greets them at the door. And takes Phoebe from Emmaline. And the two say goodbye. James recast the charm once Emmaline leaves.

James closes and locks the door and brings baby Phoebe inside.

"Look who's come to see us, Mrs Potter." James tells his wife, grinning.

"If it isn't lovely baby phoebe, Mr Potter." Lily smiles at her husband then turns to phoebe. "Hello there, little one. You're the spit of your mother, you know. Cas was one of my best friends. Your mother was a lovely person. James and I will raise you how she and your father would have. We want to do right by them."

Baby Phoebe just blinks her big brown eyes up at them.

"She really does look like Dor. But she has Benjy's eyes." James smiles. I can't wait for Phoebe to meet our baby girl coming in September."

They take Phoebe up to meet Harry.

"Harry, darling. This is Phoebe. Her parents are no longer awake so she's staying with us." Lily informs her first born. Harry is not much more than a toddler. He's just turned one in July.

"Peebee?" Aunt Vass? Wenwick?" Harry asks in baby talk.

" Yes. Your aunt Dorcas and Uncle Benjy aren't with us anymore." James says.

"Why?" Asks baby Harry.

"Remember that place in the sky I told you about last week? Heaven. They've finally secured their one way ticket there." Lily tells her son.

Baby Harry nods.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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