Chapter 7: Tickles And Apologies

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Alexia Riddle

It was the next day and I was walking towards the great hall for breakfast. What if what Trelawney had said wasn't rubbish? What if Draco told his father? What if Senior Malfoy got Hagrid fired? What if something were to happen to Buckbeak? What if-

I was too immersed in my thoughts I didn't notice I was walking straight into a wall. My body jerked back from the impact and I looked at the wall rubbing my shoulder when I realized I hadn't bumped into a wall but a person.

A half-giant to be exact.


"Oh hello professor. How have you been?" I asked him with a warm smile.

"Oh I av' been better. Thank yeh fer askin Alexia. And call me Hagrid." He replied with a smile of his own.

"I am truly sorry for what happened yesterday and I want you to know that it wasn't your fault at all. Draco was just being a git."

"Ahh that's kind of yeh to say."

"And also that I will try to convince Draco to not tell his father. The whole school is scared of us what with being Riddles." I said the last part in a pretend whisper. Hagrid chuckled sheepishly as I waved him off and went to sit at the Slytherin table where Draco was sitting with a sling around his arm and telling the story of his "brave survival" to whoever would listen. No one fell for his act except for Astoria and a Hufflepuff girl who I had my transfiguration with. She had no extraordinary features. Brown hair, brown eyes and an extremely forgetful face. Somehow I felt something was wrong with her.

"Madam Pomfrey says I should be in bed till Thursday but I insisted on eating with my mates. I could tolerate pain for this long."

"Oh Draco you are so brave." The Hufflepuff girl was fawning all over Draco you could see it from a kilometer away. Tom shooed them away and sat with me and Matt.
"Who was she?" I asked after the girls left.
"Emily Jones." Was all Pansy said but she gave me a look which meant she would tell me about her later.

"Where are your body guards?" Tom asked Draco hiding his smirk by raising his goblet to his mouth.

"Sick." Was all Theo said. I smirked at Tom and Mattheo.
"Considering the amount of junk they put in their trap I am not surprised." Enzo spoke with disgust.

"I see you are wearing trousers today." Mattheo pointed out such an obvious observation to me.

"Yes, trousers are just more practical than skirts." I replied to him. Our conversation was low enough only we could hear what the other was saying.

"And they have pockets to keep your daggers hidden." Mattheo lifted his chin at me.

"That too." I replied wryly.

"What are you two whispering about?" Blaise's question dragged us back from our conversation to the people sitting with us at the table.

"Nothing" We both replied in unison. Twin telepathy I guess. I glanced at Tom from the corner of my eye and his eyes glinted with knowing amusement.

Enzo accidently lightly hit Draco's arm while grabbing the toast and he wailed loudly in pain.
"Oh shut up Blondie. Its just a scratch." I grimaced at Draco.
"Exactly. I have had quidditch injuries worse than this." Enzo swatted Draco's injured arm and he let out another cry of pain.

"Speaking of quidditch, are any of you guys going to try out?" Enzo turned towards us.
"Well, Tom is scared of broomsticks but Matt and I play."
" I am not scared of broomsticks. I just don't like flying clinging onto a piece of wood that can easily be cursed." Tom answered lifting his chin up mustering as much dignity as he could.

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