Chapter One

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"Meow!" Olaf, my foster kitten, screams in my face.

"I know, you are hungry, but I just need to sleep five more minutes, then I'll get up and go buy you some food," I promise, letting my head fall back on my super comfy pillow.

"Meowwww!" Elsa, my second foster kitten, picks up her foot as if she's about to strike me.

Just as I am about to bark in their faces and see how they like it, my phone starts ringing.

Mr. Bossman !

My eyes widen. Today is my day off, there's no reason he would be calling me at this hour other than to tell me to get my ass to work.

I clear my throat and pick it up.

"Hellooo, " I say into the phone after waiting for five whole seconds and hearing nothing.

"Oh good, you picked up! It's Triple H here, " Obviously I know who he is. He's been my boss for a whole year,"I need you in my office ten minutes ago," he adds.

What!? How can I be in his office ten minutes ago!?

"Are you crazy? Nobody has managed to invent time travel yet!" I exclaim.

I'm glad he has faith in me but bro- I'm not that smart.

"Anna! I need you here ASAP!" He yells into the phone.

I frown as he hangs up and immediately rush to put my shoes on, forgetting about my overall appearance.

I kiss Olaf and Elsa goodbye, pinky promising them I'll get them dinner on my way back, and run out of my small apartment.

Triple H's office is twenty five minutes from my apartment on foot.

I could have made it in ten if I had a car but I don't. I haven't even gotten my driver's license.

I run through the busy streets of Florida, not caring about how I probably look like a maniac right now.

If I saw me, I would have definitely called the police.

Once I reach the tall, familiar building, I walk through the main, glass doors and soon find myself in front of Triple H's office door.

I can't stop myself from panting. I made the twenty five minute walk into a seven minute sprint.

I knock once. No answer.

I knock twice. No answer.

I knock thr-

The door opens and I am greeted with a stressed looking Paul Levesque.

"Is everything okay?" I ask hesitantly.

His eyes scan my appearance before he breaks out into fits of laughter, letting me in, in the process.

I smile unsurely. I don't know how to feel. Is he laughing at me? Does he find me cute? What's wrong with my appearance?

I walk to the side of the room where a large mirror is.

My hands fall to my mouth in shock.

Who the fuck is this rat staring at me?

Looking through the mirror, I see two brown eyes staring at me. My brown eyes. That belong to the rest of my pj clothed, sweaty, body.

Oh crap.

Thankfully, my hair isn't too bad, just a bit tangled from all the running.

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☆  BABY  ☆      { Rhea Ripley }Where stories live. Discover now