chapter 5

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the next day, jungwon couldn't shake off the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him

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the next day, jungwon couldn't shake off the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him. he knew he needed to confront jay about what happened, to clear the air and find some semblance of closure.

as he made his way through the crowded hallways, jungwon's heart pounded in his chest, his palms sweaty with nerves. but he knew he couldn't back down.


finally, he spotted jay leaning against his locker, his expression unreadable as he stared off into the distance. summoning all his courage, jungwon approached him, determination burning in his eyes.

"jay hyung, we need to talk," jungwon said, his voice steady despite the tremble in his limbs.

jay turned to face him, surprise flickering across his features. "jungwon, hey. what's up?" he asked, his tone cautious.

taking a deep breath, jungwon plunged ahead, his words tumbling out in a rush. "about yesterday... about what happened between us," he began, his voice wavering slightly.

jay's eyes widened in realization. "oh, right. look, jungwon, i'm sorry if i made things awkward for you. i didn't mean to-" he started, but jungwon cut him off with a shake of his head.

"no, jay, it's not just that. we need to talk about us, about what this means," jungwon insisted, his heart pounding in his chest.

jay's expression softened, his gaze searching jungwon's face for answers. "what do you mean, 'us'?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

jungwon took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. "i mean... i don't know what i mean, jay. but i know that what happened between us... it meant something to me," he confessed, his words heavy with emotion.

jay's eyes widened in surprise, his own emotions swirling beneath the surface. "jungwon, i..." he trailed off.

before either of them could say anything else, he heard a girl voice. "hey, babe, ready for lunch?" the voice said, its tone sweet and girly.

jungwon turned to see a girl standing beside jay, her hand linked with his, her eyes sparkling with affection. in that moment, everything came crashing down around jungwon. he knew it was jay's girlfriend.

jungwon's heart sank as he turned to see jay's girlfriend that he didn't even know he had, standing before them, his expression a mixture of disbelief and anger.

anger bubbled up inside jungwon, and without a word, he fled from the scene, tears blurring his vision as he ran.

as he burst through the school doors and into the cool embrace of the air, jungwon couldn't hold back the sobs that wracked his body. he felt like a fool.

"wait, jungwon- no!" jay's voice called out, filled with urgency and regret. but it was too late, jungwon had already fled, his heart shattered into a million pieces.

~~~~~~~ 🌊 ~~~~~~~
hey guyss, the drama is startingg!! 🔥
see u in the next chapter

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